- Hey FAVES, welcome to 20th day of our mission! - Cara greeted her viewers.
- Only few days of journey separate us from the Hill of Fate, where Devourer is sealed with some very old spell. Now, we're in Spike Creatures' territory - she said and shown the wastelands in front of her. Connor was sweating nervously, it didn't slip team's attention.
- You okay there? - Silug asked.
- I just don't like this place. Though Spike Creatures aren't the most intelligent, they are known rioters and it would be better for us if we didn't stumble upon them - giant explained.
- Pfft, they're only reach to our knees, why should I be afraid of those shrimps? - Feyrith said.
- You should never underestimate any race - Connor replied.
Suddenly, thousands of small creatures popped out of the ground and surrounded the fellowship. They had white mask with hollow eyes and mouths, they were covered in blue spikes, they had long feet and they were armed to the teeth.
- Spike Creatures! - giant shouted.
- We'll teach them hospitality, right pals? - Silug asked, reaching for his mace. Feyrith shown off his daggers, Gobrat swung his axe few times and Trixie reached out her bow.
But their smiles and fervor faded, when Spike Creatures flashed before their eyes, stealing their weapons, leaving them defenseless.
After that, they Spike Creatures pointed their weapons at intruders. One of them, who had mask decorated with paintings, came closer and asked:
- What are you doing here?! Do you want to kill us all?!
David denied:
- No, no! We just wanted to go across your lands to the Hill of Fate, nothing more!
There was an awkward silence, when leader of Creatures spoke:
- How do I know you're not one of those Devourer's followers sent there to release him?
Cara stepped in, showing him a torn page.
- We're going there to not let that happen! We are the ones from the prophecy, see? - she said and gave Spike Creature the page. Leader eyes it and then looked at the team standing in front of him.
- Hmm, let's say I believe you. But why would I let you roam through our land for free? - he asked.
- Free? FREE?! We're going to save your ungrateful butts for free, risking our lives! - Feyrith growled, but quickly went silent, when one Spike Creature pointed its bow at him. Seeing this, David took his credit card out.
- How much do you want? - he asked. Team got confused, seeing how Spike Creatures laughed at human's proposition.
- We don't need your dirty, corrupted money - leader replied.
- Then what do you expect from us? - Trixie asked, crossing her arms.
- A battle of course! If you win, we let you go and give you back your weapons. But if you lose... You're going to stay here forever! - leader said.
Feyrith's eyes glistened.
- Deal! Give me any weapon and I'll show you how it's done! - he boasted.
- No. You'll be fighting on our conditions. Which means we get to choose a warrior and weapon - leader replied and quickly inspected each member of the team. He then pointed at David.
- You! You'll fight! Get him a sword! - he ordered his subjects. Some Spike Creature threw sword at human, boy barely avoided it. Weapon stuck in the ground.
Team shuddered. They knew David was an inept and he had never dealt with sword. His failure was more than sure, they couldn't let it happen!
Feyrith, Silug, Cara, Gobrat and Trixie were negotiating with leader, Connor looked down at David. Poor human had tears in his eyes, he was hurt hearing how his fellows didn't believe in him. Giant felt sorry for his human friend, he knew how it feels to be doubted. That's when Connor get the bright idea.
He crouched down and tenderly put his hand around David. He then announced:
- We agree to your demands. You'll see that David will put your warrior down, for he is invincible!
Team and David looked at him as if he lost his mind. Leader smiled.
- Perfect! Dean, prepare yourself for the fight, rest will form a circle - our arena - he said.
- What are you doing?! Do you want us to be doomed?! - Feyrith whisper-yelled at the giant.
- He's right Connor. I'll never defeat him! - David whined. Giant put his finger under human's chin, forcing him to look up at his face.
- You might not know how to use sword, but you do have a soul of a brave warrior. I'll help you awake it, okay? Do you trust me? - giant asked.
David became speechless. Sure, he didn't really believe that giant knew a way to help him, but on the other hand, he didn't want to hurt Connor's feelings. So he smiled weakly and said:
- Yes, I do trust you.
Connor turned to Spike Creatures.
- Before we start the fight, I would like to ask: Can I play a song during it? - he asked. Leader looked at giant suspiciously.
- Why such need? - he asked.
- I just want to spicy up atmosphere a bit - giant replied.
Leader looked at his subjects. They nodded, it'll be a nice addition to their victory.
- Fine, you have our approval - leader said.
David pulled sword out of the ground and stood in front of Spike Creature. Connor took bow in his hand and began to play his violin. Melody was lively and catchy, soon more instruments could be heard, like trumpet, flute and tambourine.
Spike Creature swung his sword at David, human surprisingly blocked attack. Teen felt like he knew how his opponent will attack and knew how to use the sword. He guessed it was giant's music magic, he immediately regained his confidence.
They were swinging their swords at each other, battle seemed to end with draw, when suddenly David knocked the sword out of Spike Creature's hand. Human won.
Spike Creatures became speechless. Leader overcame his shock and mumbled:
- Congratulations, you've won. You can go further, we won't bother you, but if you try any of your tricks! - he wagged his finger at them, then Spike Creatures disappeared under the ground.
Being now free to go, fellowship resumed their journey.
It was a late night, exhausted members of team were roasting sausages over the fire. David shyly approached Connor who was tuning his violin.
- I wanted to thank you Connor. If it hadn't been for your spell, I would have never won - human said. Giant laughed sincerely.
- Do you think it was only my merit? Without your spark, I would never make it burst - Connor replied, beginning now to clean his instrument. David cocked his head in confusion.
- Spark? - he asked.
- You have something special, just like all of you here - giant pointed his bow at the rest of the team - It's just... You gave up on magic, that's why your uniqueness has a form of spark and not a bright fire. I just played something to awake it, nothing more - Connor added. David nodded slowly, trying to comprehend giant's words.
- But enough that chitchat! - giant placed his violin on the ground.
- I'm starving, let's see what they're preparing there, shall we? - he said and reached his hand out to David. Human climbed it up without hesitation.
Soon, they all gathered around the fire, they were joking, telling stories and singing. Beautiful full moon was shining down on them, making the whole scene more magical.

G/T Stories
Short StoryBunch of oneshots (and not only) about folks various sizes and shapes.