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- Are you ready kiddo? - mr. Smith asked Azriel.

- Ready as I'll ever be! - angel replied happily.

Man pulled the sheets off of the angel's wing. Azriel spread his wings and flapped them few times.

- You know, you don't have to push yourself Azriel, if you don't think you're strong enough to fly - mr. Smith said. Angel only smiled at man and said:

- I know it's time.

Forester nodded and moved back, giving angel enough room to start.

Azriel took a run-up flapping his wings and bounced off of the ground. At first, his flight was clumsy, he looked like a bird learning how to fly. Man stiffened, remembering that angel told him he had never flown before. He could only hope that boy won't hurt himself and will figure out how to fly.

But soon enough, Azriel began to feel it and soared up and up. Oh, it was so amazing! Now he knew why other angels told him that flying is like breathing for them.

He worked up the courage and did few barrels. His head was spinning after that, but nevertheless it was so fun!

Old forester had released so many wild birds after their recovery, but he had never felt anything like that before. He was proud, just like parents when their kids make a first step or say a first word.

Mr. Smith began to sweat, when angel disappeared from his sight. Where did he fly? What if he crashed into a plane? Or maybe he found the portal to heaven and went back home. But would he have done it without saying goodbye?

Man didn't hear the flapping coming from behind him and before he knew it, he was yanked into the air. He screamed and clutched onto angel's robe.

- Don't worry mr. Smith I've got you! - Azriel said and secured his grip on man's body.

They were getting higher and higher, old forester finally dared to open his eyes. He became mesmerized by the view of the small town beneath them. The lights made it to look magical, as from some fairy tales. Man could spot some familiar faces, they were playing in the snow, enjoying the young night.

But their flight didn't end there. Angel decided to fly higher, he wanted to surprise his Earth caretaker.

Mr. Smith watched in awe as they were getting closer to the clouds. Soon, they reached them, man could touch them. But there was still more.

They flew above the clouds, angel whispered something in that weird language, called enochian. Clouds seemed to get thicker and fuller.

Angel landed softly on the cloud, it didn't disappear.

- We can sit on it, it's secure - Azriel said.

Man hesitantly slid from angel's arms and hopped onto the cloud. It was undescribably soft, old forester could feel how his arthritis was gone.

He sprawled on the cloud, looking at the sky above. He became speechless, seeing the Milky Way in all its splendor. From the ground, he could only see few constellations, maybe a Venus if he had luck. But here, away from the air and light pollution, he could admire its true beauty.

Azriel smiled, seeing astounded mr. Smith. That was the least he could do to repay forester for his kindness, patience and support. Without his help, angel would probably have died in his mortal body and disappear from the universe forever.

Boy got anxious, feeling that mr. Smith suddenly began to tremble and suffocate. He forgot that human body isn't accommodated to such heights, therefore it's dangerous for mr. Smith to be so high for this long!

He quickly fixed his mistake by taking old forester into his arms and teleporting them to the place from where they started.

- Mr. Smith, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted to please you! - angel cried.

- I-it's okay, just need few minutes to rest - man replied, leaning against the tree.

Azriel was awkwardly looking at the old forester who was resting. As usual - he wants to do something good, but in the end he always fails. No wonder why other angels called him a "klutz" so many times.

But soon enough man regained his balance and strength. Seeing how angel was subdued, he walked up to kid, gave him a small hug and said:

- There, there. I know you meant well and I'm not mad. I really enjoyed our little flight, thank you.

Azriel couldn't help, but hug man back, wrapping his wings around the small figure. Maybe it was only three weeks, but angel grew really fond of the old grump.

- Thank you mr. Smith. If it wasn't for you, I would die from the cold and disappear forever. I literally owe you my life - boy said.

- Yeah, no problem - man murmured, as few tears splashed on his head.

- And I'm glad to tell that other angels were wrong! They told me that humans are selfish sinners, who will reap benefits from the angels who got the misfortune to be on Earth, but you didn't! You're such a good man! - Azriel said.

Man didn't say anything. Maybe he was a decent person when his wife was alive, but after her death...

- Well... I think it's time to say goodbye, at least for now... - angel said, it triggered a new wave of tears from him.

- I guess... I don't know if I'll make it to heaven, but nevertheless, I wish you a wonderful eternity - man said.

- I'll miss you mr. Smith. You taught me so much and kept me safe during my stay here. I promise, I'll be giving you my blessing all the time - boy replied.

He then plucked a feather from his wing and gave it to the old forester.

- Keep it in your house, it will protect you and your little household from evil spirits - angel instructed.

- Thank you, my boy - forester smiled.

Azriel spread out his wings and soared. He was visible for a short time, then he became a small dot, soon he disappeared completely.

Man sighed and looked at the feather, surprised to find out that it turned into silver. "I'll have to order a showcase for that" he thought and entered his shack.

He got undressed and went to the living room. He put feather on the coffee table and took a seat in the armchair next to it.

His home became awfully silent one more time.

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