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Alarm clock went off, signaling it was 6 a.m. - high time to get up and get Boaz ready to preschool.

Cassie yawned and got out of her bed. She turned her footsteps towards her son's bedroom. After she reached it, she entered it. She walked up to the window and opened the blinds.

- Wake up sleepyhead! - she said and gently shook her son. Blonde let out a long yawn and opened his golden eyes. Cassie still couldn't believe how someone could have abandoned such beautiful child - Boaz looked like an angel.

- Morning mom - boy said and hugged his mother.

- Morning sweetie - woman replied and having placed a kiss on boy's cheek, walked up to the wardrobe.

- Which sweater do you want to wear to preschool? - she asked.

- Oh! The one with dinosaur please! - child exclaimed, getting out of his bed.

- Dinosaur sweater it is then - woman replied and pulled out said piece of clothing, plus jeans and colorful socks.

But when she dressed her only child, she got surprised. Her son got that sweater less than a week ago and fitted him perfectly, but now it seemed it was too tight for him. Same went for the jeans and socks.

Woman began to examine her son carefully. He didn't gain weight, it was his height that expanded. But he couldn't have grown so much in a less than a week, could he?

She shook her head. No, such growth was impossible, clothes probably shrank in the laundry.

- I'm sorry Bo, we'll have to find something other for you to wear, these are too small - she explained to her son.

- Aww. Okay - boy complied and got undressed.

Cassie walked to wardrobe once more and pulled the clothes she bought for subsequent years. Earlier they were way too big for boy, but now they fitted him perfectly.

After that, they went to the kitchen, where they ate breakfast. Then, they went to the car and drove to the preschool.

When they arrived, they got out of the car and entered the building. Boaz got undressed and having said goodbye to his mom, he ran off to his friends, who were playing with LEGO bricks.

Woman couldn't help, but notice how much taller her son was, compared to other kids. He looked like he was a second or third grader, not a preschooler.

Cassie groaned, seeing mrs. Karen Pugh approaching her. That woman was a pain in the neck, her name reflected her personality. She was entitled, annoying and loud.

- Ah, miss Schur! How is it going? - she asked, faking a smile.

- It's fine. I'm sorry, but I have to go already, I need to open my hair salon - Cassie said and was about to leave, but Karen stopped her by grabbing her arm and pulling her back.

- I was wondering, what are you feeding your son? - she asked.

- What do you mean? - Cassie asked.

- Well, he's so tall. I even start to doubt he's only 4 years old. Are you feeding him steroids? - Karen taunted.

- Of course not. He's eating normally and I'm sure there is a logical answer why he's growing so fast - Cassie replied.

- Well, in my opinion he doesn't belong here. He's more suitable for a freakshow or a county fair - Karen said and left, not letting Cassie to answer.

Woman got worried. She wasn't the only one who noticed her son's unnatural growth spurt. But there must be a solution to it. Maybe it's only temporary and soon Bo will go back to normal?

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