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- How much further is it? My legs hurt! - Edea complained, shuffling her legs. Other elves groaned, being fed up with her whining.

- I told you that we'll arrive to the crossroad in a few minutes - Farryn, who lead the trip, replied.

Her words turned out to be true, they soon got to the crossroad. The left trail led to the mountains, the right one led to the beach.

- Alright everyone! Where do we want to set up camp? - Farryn asked.

Everyone voted for mountains, only Edea whined:

- No! I won't be tiring myself just to go up there! We should go to the beach!

- Sorry sugarcube, mountains won, it's called democracy - elf Jhaan smirked.

- But we're always doing whatever you want! Why can't we do something I want for once? - she asked.

- Because majority of our gang wants to do things you don't - Siora answered.

- Because you all always want to do activities which are either dangerous or challenging! Why can't we do something what doesn't involve physical work? - Edea whined.

- Our city is the place where you can rest. There are no challenges and no fun! These trips are the only things that gives us a little bit of adrenaline - Nym explained.

- In that case... Go to the mountains, get eaten by some predators! I'm going to the beach! - she said and turned her footsteps towards the beach.

- Go, it's not like anybody is going to stop you, you bratty princess! - agitated Farryn yelled at her. Elves went to the left, feeling little guilty about leaving Edea behind.


- Tch! Who do they think they are?! To not let me decide for us?! I'm the smartest, kindest and bravest, I should be the leader, not Farryn! What does she have that I don't? - Edea was mumbling to herself, going further through the seaside forest.

Suddenly, she tripped over her legs and soon found herself falling down, bumping her body on rocks and sticks.

He finally had a hard landing, she got up and saw that she accidentally discovered some underground cave. Aching and frightened, she became determined to get out of that obscure place as fast as possible.

She was going straight, flinching from time to time, hearing strange noises and sounds. She regretted not listening to her friends, if she had come with them, she wouldn't be alone now in a scary and dark cave.

She perked up, noticing a weak light coming from rotten log. Curious about what was in there, she headed to it.

Soon enough she reached the log and crouched down. The light was coming from inside the dead tree, she put her hands in there. She felt something under her fingers, she grabbed it and pulled it out. She gasped, seeing what had appeared to her eyes.

She had in her hands a real, golden crown studded with her favorite gems - rubies! Under the crown was a book, but it didn't interest Edea. For now.

Thrilled elf put the book down, then she raised the crown to her head and put it on her head. She immediately took out a small mirror from her bag and looked at her reflection. She was beautiful before, but that crown made her look stunning!

In her delight about her appearance she didn't hear sniffing sounds coming from near her.


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