This year was an absolute disaster to mr. Smith, thanks to those greedy people, who built the power plant in the town.
Every single person had changed their oven heating into electrical one, therefore they didn't need wood anymore and old forester lost his job. But since he needed money, he went to employment office to try and find new job. And soon enough, he got one. As a janitor in the power plant which caused him to lose his job in the first place. How ironic.
But having no other choice, mr. Smith went there the next day. He got quite surprised, seeing how monitored that place was. There were dozens of security guards and twice as much camera and alarms.
He had trouble to get in, but after one of guards examined his ID card, he was let inside.
One of the employee led old man to HR office, where he signed the contract. After that, the same employee shown man storage closet with everything he would need. Then, worker gave forester tours, showing each room and instructing what he'll have to clean in there.
It was pretty boring, until they reached really huge, metal door. Employee then turned to man and said:
- You will be cleaning this room at the end of your shift, since it's always busy in there during the workday. Now, prepare yourself for something your eyes have never seen. But I need to warn you: If you tell any outsiders about what we have here, I can guarantee that you will be vanished from the existence, got it?
Taken aback man nodded fearfully.
Employee's face expression softened and he opened the gigantic gate, letting man to go in there first. When mr. Smith entered the room, he became terrified and worried at the same time.
For there was a chained angel laying on a deck in front of him.
Supernatural being was absolutely collosal. People were a size of fleas to him, it was clearly visible when they were bustling around him.
Man couldn't see the details of the angel, since he was engulfed in the darkness, but he did see multiple tubes embedded in his body, sucking out a glowing liquid, directing it into a giant ball.
After giant ball was filled with the glowing liquid, it was lowered down to the floor and replaced with empty one. The filled ball was being rolled into another room.
Mr. Smith put two and two together and understood in no time, that whatever that liquid was, it was generating thousands of kilowatt hours of electricity.
- I'm impressed mr. Smith. Newbies are usually scared of that thing, but you don't seem scared to me - employee noticed.
- I'm an old man. The only thing I fear in my age is death itself - man replied.
- Well, it's good to know that you won't have any objections to clean in here with that monster around - worker said.
Forester didn't say anything, he couldn't let employee know that he had known about angels' existence for a long time.
- We're thinking about expanding our company through the world. But to make it happen, we will need to catch more angels, now that we know they're real and that they're a great source of energy - employee said.
- But how did you manage to keep him at bay? Shouldn't he, I don't know, have some powers? - man asked, looking with pity at the huge being.
- Well, we noticed that chains made of heavy metals effectively repress his powers, that's why he's chained to the deck - worker explained.
- But doesn't it hurt him? - mr. Smith asked.
- Don't know, don't care. It's just a monster, who was stupid enough to get into our hands. But enough of him, you have a job to do! - employee snarled and shoved rubber gloves in man's hands.

G/T Stories
Short StoryBunch of oneshots (and not only) about folks various sizes and shapes.