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Yakone was about to go back to her igloo, when she noticed a large, weird hill standing in the middle of snow desert. She got curious what this odd object might be, so she went closer to inspect it.

It turned out that it was a colossal igloo, which looked like a hill from afar. Yakone knew who was the owner of this building. That giant from Inuits' stories.

Admittedly, he was described as a neutral guy. He sometimes made trades with villagers and offered them protection from predators in return for food. He always did it the way no one could see him.

But they were stories about his appearance. He was told to be at least 200 foot tall! Someone said he also had many horns, another one swore he saw that giant had a crocodile-like tail, yet someone else said giant could breath fire like dragons.

Of course, Yakone found these stories absurd, as they never corresponded with each other, but she knew better than to stumble upon this giant.

But now, standing there she couldn't resist the temptation. She entered long hall and was moving on and on until she found herself in a large room.

All furnitures were made out of snow or thick ice. To her left stand a large table and chair, next to it a shelf, which was filled with normal-sized books. On the other side of the room was gigantic bed covered with glued moss as a bedding. Over the bed hung hooks with wooden weapons like spears, slingshot and bow.

Yakone wandered around the room for a while, till she decided she wants to take a look at giant's home from another perspective. She took out two alpenstocks from her bag and started to climb up gigantic, ice chair.

When she reached its highest point, she hopped off it and landed on a table, fell down because she slipped on its icy surface.

She was circling around enormous dishes, which were also made out of ice, but unlike furnitures they were decorated with various patterns - he must've painted it with fruit juice or something similar.

Soon, she became bored with gigantic objects and moved on to shelf. She grabbed one book, wondering why it was normal and not huge like everything else. She opened it and began to read. How surprised she was, when she discovered it was a book about spells, rune and curses.

She started to sweat, worried why would he keep book with such topic. "Unless...!" she gasped "He wants to put a curse on us! I have to warn the others!" She closed the book she was holding and put it back where it belonged. She got up and wanted to slowly leave giant's home, when suddenly ground began to shake a little and heavy footsteps could be heard. Giant was coming back home.

Panicked what giant will do if he finds her there, she swiftly climbed table down. In her hurry, one alpenstock slid from her hand and she found herself hanging dangerously high. Yakone quickly grabbed the lasting alpenstock with her free hand, but it couldn't carry her weight and it broke.

In one second she was falling down, sure she's going to die, the other one she found herself laying on gigantic glove. "F#ck" she thought and begrudgingly, trembling turned around.

To her surprise, giant looked normal - like a man, just bigger. If she wasn't so scared now, she would even think he's handsome.

- Huh - quiet sound of surprise left her mouth. But giant seemed to not mind it at all. He was looking at the girl he hold with wide grin.

- A guest! If I had known I would have prepared something... Although I still have some Akutaq left, how does that sound? - he asked.

Yakone was dumbfounded. She was sure that giant will kill her as soon as he notices her. But maybe it was a trick, she became determined to leave giant's house.

- S-sure I w-would love t-to, b-but I-I have to g-go, my f-family is p-probably worried a-about m-me - she answered, not liking she's stuttering.

- Please, just for five minutes... - his voice became desperate.

Yakone didn't have any choice. If he wanted to keep her hostage, there would be nothing to stop him. So it's better to play along instead of getting on his bad side.

- Okay, five minutes - she gave up, but at least she didn't sound so scared now.

Giant gently placed her on the table. He then very quickly sculpted a small chair and plate from ice. Yakone sat down, meanwhile giant went out somewhere and while later he came back with the largest Akutaq girl has ever seen.

Giant cut a little piece off of dessert and placed it on girl's plate. After that, he sat down in his chair and said:

- Enjoy!

Yakone took a bite. It was tasty, very similar to Akutaq her mom made.

- It's good - she said, not wanting to make giant mad. Giant's eyes lit up.

- Thank you! It's nice to hear a compliment and not uh, screams and insults - giant said.

It was that moment Yakone understood everything. Giant was just so lonely and desperate for contact, he didn't mind her exploring his home. He just wanted someone to talk to.

Yakone felt pity for this enormous being. He wasn't evil, on the contrary - he was very helpful, but still no one wanted to befriend him, out of pure fear.

A loud voice snapped her out of her thoughts:

- How silly of me! I haven't introduced myself yet - he stuck his finger out - I'm Amaguq.

She hesitantly took it in her hand and shook it.

- I'm Yakone.


Amaguq and Yakone were chatting and eating for a while longer, giant didn't question why girl was in his home in the first place. But soon sun set and it was high time for Yakone to go home, giant offered to walk her to village.

They were now standing on village's edge. Yakone turned around and looked at giant.

- Thank you for your hospitality and I'm sorry for trespassing your house - she said, visibly ashamed.

- Ah, don't think about it too much, I didn't mind. Actually, I was hoping you would visit me from time to time - he confessed. Girl giggled.

- We'll see Amaguq. Good night! - she said and dashed back to her igloo, still processing what she has just experienced.

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