🐲 (2)

249 6 1

Dedicated to: wolfpupgir
Listening to this song while writing ^

Ronan was charging ahead, not caring about the surroundings. His whole life was ruined, all because of these stupid genes.

He finally left the city and decided to go to the old, scary labyrinth, as he believed it'll be the last place his friends think of as his hideout.

He reached the place quickly, it was as obscure as always - dark, creepy, crumbled and overgrown with lichen. He entered it and laid down, crushing many walls under his vast body. But he couldn't care less, all he wanted to do now was to cry.

Suddenly he remembered he hadn't been feeling the pain in his shoulder for quite a while. He looked there and to his surprise, there was no trail of his wound. So he also has super regeneration skills. Great, just great, as being able to turn into a giant monster wasn't enough.

His emotions settled a little, but then he felt an unpleasant tingling in his throat. It felt like he was about to vomit. He couldn't hold it back, he opened his mouth. A pool of acid poured from his mouth, melting everything in its path, creating a bald patch on the ground.

It was too much for him to bear. Kaiju stood up and clenched his claws. He bellowed in pure anger and frustration. He sprayed the acid from his mouth all over the labyrinth, then destroyed remains which weren't melted by his discharge.

The havoc he had caused, it did help him calm down. But looking at the devastation he was responsible for, it brought him to tears again. He let out a loud, painful cry and having laid down, he curled up, hiding his head under his tail.


Theo, Penny and Kian were watching from behind the bushes how their friend was laying down and crying.

- Poor Ronan... I'll go and comfort him - Penny declared.

- I don't think it's the best idea for now. Have you seen what he had done with the labyrinth? - Kian asked.

- How would you react if you changed into a giant humanoid kaiju? Wouldn't you be frustrated, scared and confused too? - Theo murmured.

- I don't know, but we have to be reasonable. We don't know if he's still himself. I'm suggesting we should wait until he's back to normal - Kian said.

- WOW, just WOW. Are you insinuating that he's going to kill us? What kind of friend you are? - Penny guilt tripped teen.

- I do not! It's just... He's so big and scary and can end us without any effort - Kian whimpered.

- Didn't he like, save your butt from that kaiju? If all of this what you said was true, he would have killed you back in the school! - Theo snarled. Kian reddened in shame.

- I didn't think about like that... Now I feel bad - he admitted.

- Okay, enough! We have a gigantic pile of sadness to cheer! - Penny said and dashed to laying Ronan. Boys followed her.


Ronan flinched slightly, feeling a soft touch on his tail. He removed it from his face and stiffened, seeing his friends in front of him. Why were they standing so close to him? Why weren't they afraid? Why did they come after him?

- Why are you here?! How did you find me?! - he asked rudely and significantly grew.

- It wasn't that hard to follow that huge footprints of yours - Penny smirked.

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