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- You want me to do what?! Are you crazy?! Are you out of your mind?! - Rico shouted at man standing on his lap. Human didn't even move.

- I just want you to take care of Shaden's son while I'll be meeting with him and negotiating ransom - Connal replied calmly.

- Why do I have to watch over the brat? You know I have a short temper, I'll squish him the second he starts talking to me! I want to negotiate with mr. Goody Two Shoes - giant said. Connal raised his eyebrow.

- Okay, now you really went off. In public opinion you might be a cruel supervillain with stone heart, but we know that you're a big softie, who wouldn't hurt bats nesting in your hair, let alone a little child - he said, causing giant to redden in embarrassment.

- Plus, we want to be discreet, meaning no journalists and interviewers. And with you it wouldn't be possible - villain added.

- Still, why do I have to be responsible for the kid?! Why don't you give him to girls? - giant asked.

- They're busy with something else. You're the only who is free for now, so stop whining and deal with it! - Connal said.

- You have no power over me! You won't order me what to do! - Rico snapped.

Supervillain just looked at the giant, his eyes turned into grey smoke which was slowly floating up to giant's nostrils. Rico raised his hands in defeat and said:

- Okay, okay! I'll take care of the kid!

Connal came back to normal and smirked at the colossus.

- Very well. I'm going to bring him, don't even think about leaving - villain said and having hopped off of giant's lap, left the room.

"Great" giant thought grumpily and fiddled with basketball, to slightly calm his nerves.


Rico was playing with his basketball, when he heard voice coming from the floor:

- And this is Enforcer. He's going to take care of you while I'm gone. Be obedient and nice to him, okay? And if he's mean, you'll tell me about it - Connal said to kid he was holding hands with.

- Okay! - kid replied and let go of villain's hand, walking up to enormous boot.

Rico looked at superhero's son. He was about 6 years old, had auburn curly hair and silver, shiny eyes. He was his dad's spitting image. That fact made giant feeling a little uneasy.

- Have fun! - Connal said and left.

Rico looked again at the small boy standing next to his foot. Kid was looking at giant in awe, with his jaw being slightly dropped.

- What are you staring at? - giant asked rudely.

- You're so big! - boy exclaimed.

- You don't say - Rico replied grumpily.

- Do you think I will grow as big as you? - kid asked.

- Have you fallen into a pit filled with toxic waste of unknown origin yet? - giant asked instead of giving an answer. Boy cocked his head in puzzlement.

- No? - he answered.

- Then it rather won't happen - Rico said.

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