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Kjell was quietly humming to himself, while taking bath in the lake. Reed rustled, catching Dendress attention.

- What? I'm doing this to be clean and fresh, what other reason could I have? - he said to plants. He then heard quiet snickering coming from water lilies.

- No, human girl doesn't have anything with it - giant insisted.

But when flora around him started to enchant "Liar",  he raised his arms in defeat and admitted:

- Okay, okay. Maybe she has to do with it a little.

Plants began to frantically warn him, saying that humans are dangerous.

- Yes, I know all of that, but... - he stopped and looked at his reflection in the water. Same green hair and irises changing colors depending on emotion he currently was feeling. Now they were pink like cherry flowers.

- She's not like the others. She loves nature, she has this beautiful voice, she's pretty, she has cute, little laugh sounding like oinking... - Kjell's face was dreamy. Seaweed's spanking snapped him out of his daydreaming.

- Hey, what was that for?! - Dendress asked. Water in lake bubbled in response.

- I know you're worried about me and I really appreciate it, but I'll be fine! I'm over 1000 years old and no human had discovered me yet! - he argued. Plants finally stopped bothering him, but still warned him to not get too attached to this human.

- Yeah, yeah whatever - Kjell said nonchalantly and left the lake. He then sprawled on the ground and let the warm sunrays dry his body. Giant sighed in satisfaction - it was a life.

He was resting like this, until he felt he was dried. He looked at the sun - it was slowly going lower, meaning it was already afternoon.

- Alright, I'm going. She'll be here soon - Kjell said to plants and stood up. He then trekked a bit further into the meadow. After he got to his spot, he fixed his hair for the last time and then morphed into a pear tree.

He patiently waited for her to come. His heart rejoiced, when he saw her walking towards him. Still beautiful as always - short, almost boyish dark purple hair, mesmerizing ocean blue eyes. She was wearing her usual clothes - her white beanie in black stripes, checkered shirt, jeans with holes and white sneakers.

But soon Kjell could sense that something was definitely wrong. She wasn't walking vigorously, instead she was shuffling her legs, her face was tearstained, she was looking down. In her hand she was holding a thick rope and not "Forefathers' Eve" book.

He got very nervous, all of her behavior and that rope were unequivocal signs. But maybe he was overreacting, he decided to wait and see where it'll go.


Lilja knew the struggle is meaningless. She decided she'll leave this world with help of her favorite tree - as strange as that may sound.

She randomly stumbled upon it, when she was playing hooky one day. What fascinated her the most, was the fact that its bark was warm, just like human skin.

It became her favorite place to think, read and even sleep. The more often she was there, the more weird things she could notice. When it was too hot or raining, branches of the pear tree seemed to move in such way, that their leaves could protect her. Or whenever she was huddling against it, she could've sworn she felt something moving inside it. Even pears where falling down, whenever she mentioned she was hungry. It looked like the tree had its own mind and was taking care of her.

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