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Ronan groaned, hearing how his mother was opening the blinds, letting morning light enter his room. He buried himself deeper into his blanket, trying to hide from the sunlight. His mom didn't let him, she brutally snatched his blanket.

- Wake up sleepyhead! You've been neglecting your school duties for too long, it's high time for you to return! - she announced. Hearing this, Ronan jolted wide awake and grew a little.

- You can't be serious! I still don't know how to control my transformation and I don't want anyone to think of me as a monster! - he argued, pair of swirly horns peeked out from his hair. Phoebe walked to him and patted his hand.

- It's going to be okay. I called principal and your teachers, you got the green light to go back home whenever you'll feel you can't hold back your metamorphosis - she said. Her words seemed to work, Ronan came back to normal.

- Now, go clean yourself up and make up your bed, I'll go downstairs to prepare you something to eat - she said. Teen nodded and did as his mom asked him. Then, after he did his morning toilet, got dressed up and tidied up a bit, he went to the kitchen, where delicious breakfast was waiting for him.

As he was about to dig in, he heard:

- Think fast!

And saw something flying at him. He easily caught the small package and opened it. Inside was a squishy in a shape of milk carton, smelling like strawberry milk. He snorted.

- And what is that? - he asked.

- It'll help you control your stress. It worked on your father - Phoebe explained.

Ronan squished the toy. The action combined with pleasant scent, it really helped teen with settling his nerves.

He quickly ate few sandwiches, said his goodbyes to mom and went to school.


Luckily, during past few days at school Ronan managed to keep his secret safe. He was constantly using the squishy, despite being laughed at for it. He also didn't hesitate to ask teachers to let him go home, whenever he felt like transforming.

It didn't escape his friends' attention, who were worried. But after Ronan assured them it wasn't anything serious, they got used to it.

Now they're chilling under the oak tree on the courtyard, since they had recess.

Theo shoved Kian in his arm.

- Dude! We're reading enough in our classes, you don't need to read more than that! - Theo said.

- But it's such an interesting book! It's about kaiju shapeshifters, who were defeating gigantic monsters not so long ago! - Kian replied, showing him the said book. Mention of shapeshifters caught Ronan's attention.

- It really sounds interesting - he joined the conversation and sat closer to Kian.

- Indeed! Did you know that they used to be normal people, just like you and me? They got a portion of various kaijus' DNA, which let them to turn into giant, intelligent monsters - Kian said, pointing at page with photos showing the process of DNA modification.

Ronan eyed it and quickly spotted his father in one photograph. He looked just like in the photograph from mom's prom, but he wasn't smiling.

- Can you tell me more about this guy? - Ronan asked and pointed at his father. Kian grinned.

- This is Arlo Lawlor, the most powerful of them all! In his transformed form he was a 200 foot long, red vywern and could breath deadly fire! He also was obligated to sire an offspring with Orla MacMurry, another shapeshifter, but instead he ran away with his lover, who was a normal woman. It was a scandal on a mass scale! - Kian said. Ronan gulped nervously.

- What a story... Something like Tristan and Isolde - he said.

- I just noticed... That whole "Arlo guy" looks a lot like our Ronan, don't you think? - another friend of Ronan - Penny - said.

- No way, you're right! - Kian exclaimed excitedly.

- No, no. It's pure coincidence - Ronan quickly replied and squished his toy, feeling how his monster side wanted to break out. 

- But look, he even has identical mole in the same place on your cheek - Theo pointed out.

- It can't be, maybe you're imagining things - teen replied, having more troubles with self-control. It didn't slip Penny's attention.

- Did you just grow few inches taller? - she asked in disbelief.

Just as he was about to answer her, loud alarm went off. There was a kaiju attack!

Soon, the tree they were sitting under, was uprooted by gigantic monster. It looked like horned frog with armoured skin and tounge with teeth at the sides.

Huge tree wasn't enough to satisfy the kaiju. It reached its claw to snatch Kian, when Ronan pushed him away and got into monster's clutches instead.

Monster brought Ronan to its mouth and roared at the teen. He knew he can't hold his metamorphosis anymore, he had to keep his friends safe.

Kaiju was confused, seeing small human getting bigger and bigger, growing scales, claws, tail and horns. Soon, Ronan reached his feet to monster's eyes and plowed them with his claws.

Monster wailed in pain and released Ronan from its grip. Luckily, teen grew big enough for the fall to be painless. He soon was as big as the mutant frog.

Not wanting to damage too much of school's building, Ronan lifted kaiju up and threw it at the schoolyard, soon joining it there, being ready for fight.

Ronan pounced on the back of the creature and clawed its skin, but it didn't work. Its armour was too thick for Ronan to pierce through.

Monster easily threw teen off of its back and shot its tounge at him, penetrating his shoulder. Ronan roared in pain, clutching onto his wound. Kaiju wasted no time and toppled teen, bringing him to the ground.

Ronan was wrestling with the kaiju, when he noticed that its abdomen was naked and not armoured like other parts of its body. Teen came up with a plan.

He threw kaiju away and stayed low. Blind monster was trying to find where Ronan was, when it heard tapping sound. It began to hop in that direction.

Ronan was tapping his claws and watching as monster was getting closer. As it was just few inches from him, he ducked and when kaiju was above him, he straightened his limbs and impaled monster on his dorsal spikes. It tried to get off of spikes, resulting in bigger bleeding. Soon, it died due to blood loss.

Exhausted Ronan threw dead monster off his back and laid down, holding onto his shoulder and growling in pain.

His ears twitched, hearing his friends' voices. He forced himself to get up.

- Ronan... - Kian uttered. Giant looked down at his tiny friends, but he couldn't make out their faces, as tears blurred his vision. They'll never look at him in the same way.

- I'm sorry... - he whimpered and left them behind, ignoring their calls.

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