🤕 (2)

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More days had passed and Azelio became really attached to the giant and vice versa. Franciscan visited Mieszko everyday, to take care of his wounds and to keep him company. Colossus was incredibly affectionate, he always welcomed monk with snuggles and kisses. Despite their language barrier, they understood each other very well.

Other monks didn't notice, as he was as cheerful and happy as always and wasn't neglecting his duties. Infact, he was working harder, because he had to provide giant with food and other necessities too.

Mieszko was feeling better too. He was going outside in the nights, to stretch his bones and to steal fruits from monks' garden for what he got a solid reprimand from Azelio.

It was a cold, early morning. Azelio was singing The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, giant was listening to his angelic voice, all mesmerized. Suddenly, Mieszko began to growl, knocking monk off his rythm and causing him to turn his attention to giant.

- Can you be quiet? I can't focus - he mumbled.

- Azelio, what's the meaning of this? - stern voice asked. Young Franciscan jumped to his feet.

- Father M-Matthew... - Azelio stuttered.

- You're not as discreet as you think - older Franciscan walked up to young man - I've noticed that you were sneaking in here, even though I forbade you to do that. And I just have one question: why? - he asked.

- Father, isn't this what Lord taught us? "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me." - Azelio replied.

- I don't think he's a creation of God. He seems more like a Satan spawn to me, a dangerous monster - father Matthew said.

- Father! Mieszko isn't dangerous, just misunderstood, if you only give him a chance, I'm sure you'll like him - monk replied.

- Mieszko? - Franciscan didn't understand.

- It's giant's name - Azelio said.

- Well, don't you think he's deceiving you? After all, according to apocrypha, giants are offsprings of fallen angels - father Matthew said.

- You didn't believe they existed not so long ago and now you're accusing them of being evil? As you can see, I helped Mieszko with recovery and he didn't hurt a single soul, including me! He's really sweet when you get to know him - young monk replied.

Franciscan shook his head disapprovingly.

- You're just too good for your own kind. Fine, do whatever you want with the giant, as long as it doesn't bother other brothers - having said that, father Matthew was leaving, but stopped midway.

- Besides, soon king's knights get here to retrieve him, so you shouldn't get so attached to him - he added and left the granary.

Azelio got worried, when he saw that as soon as giant heard word "king", he began to tremble uncontrollably. Franciscan put a comforting hand on giant's cheek, being brought in a hug in response.

But father was right. No matter what, giant will come back to king.


Azelio was digging potatoes, when he heard horses' neighing and loud yelling. Knowing what that meant, he quitted his work and quickly rushed to the granary, hoping he wasn't too late.

He saw fellow brothers standing near the granary, but still keeping their distance. They were looking at king's knights, who were brutally dragging giant out of the building and trying to encage him. Giant wasn't giving in, he was squirming and resisting, roaring at his captors. All for nothing, first they had outnumbered him, second he still was weakened, so he didn't fight for long.

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