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- N-no! Guys, please don't leave me here! - Colby pleaded, folding his hands.

- You're useless Colby. We don't need a freeloader in our hive! - Kirby replied, buzzing angrily.

- I-I know I-I can't f-fly, but I-I'm not useless! I-I c-can feed larvae f-for example! - human-bee hybrid replied.

- So that you can pass the DWV* down on them? No way! - Albie growled.

- Then I can protect the queen! - Colby didn't give up.

- How? You're a male, you don't have a sting! Besides, it was the queen who ordered us to leave you outside - Kirby said.

- No please! If you want me to die, let me at least die in the hive! - Colby begged.

- Bye loser! - they only replied and flew away.

- No-! - human-bee hybrid raced to the edge of the leaf, but stopped as he barely missed the freefall.

Colby whimpered, when cold gust of wind hit him. It was late Autumn, all small hybrids were slowly preparing for hibernation. Meaning gathering supplies and getting rid of freeloaders, elders, infected and others who were useless to hive.

The sickness Colby had, it caused his wings to be small and withered. And since it was contagious by sharing saliva with other hybrids, he had to be abandoned.

Hybrid knew that because of DWV his life was coming to an end, but he wanted to live out his remaining days in warm hive, with his friends surrounding him. But it turned out he didn't have any real friends back there.

Embittered Colby wrapped the leaf around him tighter to at least get a little warmth out of it. Feeling so unbearably helpless, he began to sob softly, wiping away new-forming tears with his antennae.

Suddenly, he felt like the plant he was sitting on, began to tremble. Soon there appeared ground tremors, which could meant only one - something big was coming this way.

Hopeless hybrid got up and crawled higher, then he sat in the open. Whatever that animal was, it will be able to end his life. And quick death will be much better than slowly suffering from the cold and solitude, before the death comes.

He didn't even flinch, when a huge shadow casted over him. Soon to his eyes appeared a human face, which filled his whole vision. He could only see human's eyes, which were green like a grass. Well, it will just take a quick crushing between human's fingers and he'll end his miserable life.


Hugo was walking back home from work like usual, when a small movement on hazelnut bush caught his eye. His surprise grew, when he saw it was one of these human-insect hybrids created few months ago.

No one really knew why scientists merged human DNA with DNA of different bugs. Probably only to prove that it's possible to create such abomination.

Subjects fled from the labs and they had bred to such numbers, that they probably outnumbered normal insects.

Sadly, people started to treat small hybrids like bugs and had no problem in terminating them.

Hugo noticed excuse of wings sticking out of hybrid's back. He deducted that it - or rather he - had a DWV, that's why his wings were deformed.

Hugo felt pity for a poor little thing and decided to take hybrid with him, to at least provide him good last days.

He gently crouched down and got to an eye level with the hybrid. Human-bee had bee abdomen, wings and antennae, but rest of him was human-ish.

He looked like he didn't care about human intentions, he was just sitting and staring at Hugo.

Man didn't know if hybrid had an intelligent of a bee or of a human, but he reached out his hand and said:

- Come with me little one. I'll give you something to eat and a cozy place to warm up.

Much to his surprise, creature listened to him and crawled onto his hand. He stiffened, feeling how poor thing was frozen.

- Oh, you poor little thing! Let me just... - he reached to his pocket and took out a little hand warmer. Having broken the plate inside it, he handed it to the hybrid. Curious guy eagerly hugged the warmer and began to inspect it with his antennae. As the time passed, his paleness was being replaced by pink blush.

Hugo turned his footsteps towards his home, excited like a kid who got a new toy and can't wait to play with it.


- Welcome to my house! - booming voice of human exclaimed. Colby reprimanded human for his noisiness multiple times during their trip, but it seemed that he didn't understand. Instead, he was cooing and giving hybrid small brushes. Not that Colby minded that, it was quite pleasant.

He was astounded how spacious human's hive was. There was no crampy cells and it seemed that human had that whole space all for himself. Lucky chap.

But Colby felt lucky too. Not only he didn't get killed by the human, but also he got to live his last days in somewhere nice, being cared for as human promised him.

He was gently put on the big, wooden place, human disappeared somewhere. Colby took the chance and explored around a bit, taking interest in many things human had.

Suddenly, a sweet scent drew his attention. Human came back and put two caps in front of him. On the first there was a white lump. Second one was filled with sugary water, liquid very similar to honey in taste. Colby without hesitation walked up to the water and began to greedily drink it.


Hugo stared in awe as a little proboscis came out of hybrid's mouth and sank in the water. So they were eating like bees, not humans. That was very interesting.

After little one finished eating, he got up and walked to Hugo's hand resting on the table. Hybrid was examining them with his antennae, he was brushing his own tiny hands over the huge fingerprints, buzzing in shock.

Hugo chuckled softly at the sight of curious hybrid and wondered if he knew that he ess partially human. Man wished he could understand hybrid's buzzing, as he had a lot to tell for sure, basing on how often he was making sounds.

However, it was getting dark and hybrid became less active, he was yawning and stretching out his small limbs.

Hugo took the hybrid and having entered his bedroom, walked up to the windowsill, where potted heather was standing. He gently placed creature on the stem, among the flowers, grinning at the sight of him  wallowing in the pollen.

Man playfully ruffled hybrid's hair, getting an annoyed buzz from him.

- Sleep tight little guy! - he said and having turned the light off, went to the bathroom to take a shower.


Colby couldn't believe that he got his favorite plant all to himself. Heather nectar was just the best! And pollen? Not only tasty, but also great to maintain hygiene too.

He sprawled out in the flower and fell asleep, thanking goodness in mind for stumbling upon such a kind human.

*DWV - deformed wing virus

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