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Every mermaid and merman was swimming to the queen's palace. Today she was retiring and was passing the crown to her oldest daughter, who from now will be the new queen.

Everyone got a vantage point and patiently waited for the royal family. Soon trump shells echoed and they arrived. Queen Nadia and her four daughters: Meris, Adrie, Nyneve and Bliss.

As soon as royal family took their places, their subjects bowed down to them. Queen waved her hand and everyone cheered.

- Alright, alright, everyone listen up - she said. Merfolks went silent.

- As you know, I've been queen of Sirevia for over 50 years. But everything good has to end at some point. And today is the day - she took her crown off of her head. She nodded her head at her oldest daughter. She swam up to her mother.

- I'm retiring and I pass my crown and duties to my oldest: Meris. I hope you won't disappoint me - having said that, she faced the crowd of merfolks.

- Does anyone has objection against my daughter as a queen? - she asked. It's always been that the oldest inherits the crown, but if subjects decided that they're unworthy, other royal child could become the next ruler.

- I do! - voice from behind the queen said. She turned around and saw her youngest: Bliss. She was agitated.

- And why is that? - Nadia asked. Bliss swam closer.

- She doesn't fit to be a queen! She's reckless, selfish and has huge ego. A queen should be someone with sense of responsibility, kind and up for challenge. Someone more like... Me - she replied.

Crowd seemed stirred. Bliss may look innocent and sweet at first glance, but she was known for her incredible skills of manipulation. With her as a ruler, inhabitants of Sirevia couldn't expect anything good.

- Are you suggesting you would be a better queen than your sister? - Nadia asked.

- I'm not suggesting. I know I will be the best queen. That's why I demand you to crown me instead of her! - Bliss gnarled.

Queen was taken aback, she didn't raise her daughters to be so spoiled. She ordered guardians to surround her.

- Bliss, we can do it easy way or hard way. Or you apologize to sister and ask for my forgiveness or you're going to the dungeon - she threatened. Bliss smiled devilishly.

- I choose the hard way. Though it won't be pleasant for you, not me - having said that, she did the two-finger whistle.

Loud "CRUNCH!" echoed and palace's roof was ripped off. Everyone let out a scream of horror, seeing mercreature responsible for the mess. For it was a bottom merman. Creatures living at the bottom of the ocean, feeding on smaller species of mercreatures, luring them with the help of an organ called esca.

Bottomer had dark blue skin. He had white eyes, without any pupils or irises, raven-black thick hair, his jaw was full of bared, sharp teeth. He had an esca coming from his forehead. His hand were webbed.

But the worst thing was his vast size. He had to be at least 150 foot long.

Bliss smirked and declared:

- Those who are with me, they don't need to be worried. But those against me... If you don't side with me, you'll become a meal for my giant friend up there.

She turned to the queen.

- So how will it be mom? Crown me, otherwise Bottomer will destroy everything - she threatened.

Nadia having no other choice, put crown on Bliss's head and announced:

- Bow to Bliss, new queen of Sirevia!

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