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Cario lazily munched on the Columbia Blood Agar Base. He looked around at his fellows. They didn't mind the emptiness, they were too busy with eating the red gummi ground.

He looked at the glass wall and thought about Titans above them. He saw through the wall how their world looks like. They had so many equipment, they had music, they had colors, they had all the world! And Bulleti? They were only needed by Titans to get injected into their humongous bodies to destroy blood clots or atherosclerotic plaques.

He was jealous. Bulleti saved thousand of Titans' lives and yet they were kept like any other bacterial colony. Without entertainment, without anything.

- Hey! Why the long face? - Vedia, good friend of his asked. She saw his longing gaze resting on the glass wall. She frowned.

- Come on Cario, give it up. They'll never treat us equally, we're just too microscopic - she said.

- But aren't you bored here? Sure, there is action whenever we're sent to Titans' blood, but here on the petri dish? All we can do is to eat! - he complained.

- I know it's not an interesting life, but it's better than being killed by that stinging liquid Titans use to kill other microorganisms - Vedia replied.

- But it's not a life! It's a vegetation! - Cario argued.

- And what do you want to do about it? Go to Titans and ask them to give us something to entertain? - she asked sarcastically. Bulletus perked up, hearing her question.

- Oh and that's a good idea! I'll go talk to them, I'm sure together we'll find a good solution! - he said. Other Bulleti heard that declaration. There was a moment of silence, then everyone laughed at him.

- What's so funny? - he asked, confused.

- Talking to the Titans. Yeah, I totally see that happening - some Bulletus said.

- They can barely see us with the help of microscope. What makes you think they'll listen to you? - someone asked.

- Well, I have to try. It's better than just sitting and guzzling Columbia Blood Agar Base all day! - having said that, he got up and ran up to the glass wall. Vedia followed him.

- You can't do that! It's practically a suicide! - she said, trying to knock some sense in him.

- Vedia, I have had enough. We're saving their lives, the least they can do is to give us a better life - he said and having softened cell wall on his hands, he began to climb up the wall, ignoring his friend's calls.


After what felt like millennia, Cario finally left the petri dish. He looked around in awe, seeing how everything was cosmic huge. No, it wasn't time for adoring Titans' world. He had a job to do.

He quickly spotted familiar device - the microscope. He rushed to it and climbed it up. Being on the stage, he saw that there was glass slide with bacterium smear. He got onto the slide, squeezed through dead bacteria and sat right under the objective, so that Titan won't miss him.

He waited and waited and waited. But there was no sign of Titans. Bored Bulletus was kicking dead bacteria around to kill the time. Still, nobody came. Cario had no idea that it was a Sunday and the lab was closed. His waiting was meaningless.

He pouted in annoyance. Titans rarely were taking break from peeking into the microscope. Did he unfortunately reached it during Titans' break?

He decided to take a quick nap in wait for Titans' return. He took one bacterium in his hands, fluffed it up and then put it under his head, using it as a pillow. He then yawned and having hugged the bacterium, fell asleep.

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