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It was a normal day. Ymir and his kwami Corvus were roaming through the forest, trying to find something to eat. But since it was winter already, finding fruit was quite a challenge and giant claimed that he's not going to eat any animals - for him they were too cute to be eaten.

It was a lucky day for them though. They soon stumbled upon a field, where wild winter squashes were growing.

Ymir got down on his knees and started to feast on them. His kwami landed on one too and was ripping off small pieces, stuffing them to his beak.

But suddenly, he shuddered violently, worrying Ymir.

- What's wrong? - giant asked.

- Vulture corrupted someone again - kwami replied. Ymir's eyes widened.

- We need to go - giant claimed, getting up. Kwami nodded in agreement and having flown up to his holder's head, laid down in his hair.

Giant turned his footsteps towards the town. He was trekking through the woods, but suddenly stopped and hid behind the tallest tree. Corvus got confused and flew down to his holder's shoulder.

- Why did you stop? - he asked.

- Look... - giant replied. Kwami followed Ymir's gaze and saw it.

The newly created villain and the heroes were fighting in the forest, near the old crater. Kwami didn't know why would they be here and not in the town, but it was good that Ymir had noticed them.

- I guess you have to transform here - Corvus said.

- Yes, you're right. Corvus, night begins! - giant exclaimed the magic words. Kwami was pulled into the necklace fastened on giant's wrist and Ymir transformed into the Crow.


- Where's that black coward?! - Huntsman asked, blocking Falcon's attacks.

- Why are you insisting on hurting him? What did he do to you? - Falcon replied.

- It's a matter between me and him, none of your business! - Huntsman growled and pushed him away and then entangled him in a net.

Crane tried to knock out the villain with his rapier, but Huntsman was nimbler and having grabbed his arm, threw him at the tree.

Villain smirked, but growled at the sight of kunai, which flew past him and got stuck in the tree's bark.

- I heard you were looking for me - Crow said, pointing his second kunai at the villain. Huntsman smirked.

- Finally! Do you recognize me? - he asked.

Of course Crow recognized him the second he saw him. It was that fan, who wanted to "borrow" his miraculous. He explained he wanted to know how does it feel to be a superhero. Of course, Crow didn't agree, for obvious reasons. Fan got furious and swore that he'll get his revenge. And that brought them to this moment.

Being a non-confrontational person, who fought only when he had no choice, Crow said:

- Look, I'm sorry that I disappointed you. But you should know, that giving my miraculous to you, even for a moment would have been a bad idea. I would have revealed my secret identity, you could've hurt somebody, not knowing how to use crow miraculous powers.

Crow saw hesitation in villain's eyes, so he continued:

- You know deep down that what I'm saying is true. But you don't need a miraculous to be a hero. You can volunteer for events in the city, I'm sure people would appreciate that-

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