🫁 (2)

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Bianca's plan included showing people that giants are humans, just bigger. To succeed, she needed help of other giantkeepers and people who fought for giants' rights.

She posted her idea on a page created by giantkeepers. After a while, people commented that her idea was a great one and offered to help her with everything.

Each member of that group chipped in for clothes, cosmetics, film group and an airtime on a very popular life streaming platform.

Other giantkeepers of university giants were on vacation, giving girl a time for realizing her project.

After everything got paid for, she invited her internet friends and the film group.

People helped her refresh giants, by giving them a bath and new clothes. If there wasn't anything which shown their true size, so no one would know that they're actually giants. And that was the main goal.

She instructed giants how they should behave in front of the cameras - they had to be as affectionate, loveable and cute as they could. Put differently - be themselves.

Camera operators were watching with wide eyes how giants were acting like humans. Their personalities shone through their bodies and filled operators with warm feeling. They started to believe that giants weren't emotionless like robots - they could feel every emotions, just like humans.

Few days of taking shots passed. Giants happily were taking part in the project, not knowing it purpose yet, but they were doing it to please giantkeepers.

Camera operators thanked Bianca in the end, for opening up their eyes. They offered free service, to make amends for being so ignorant.

Bianca expressed the hope that this one film will be enough to change giants' lives.

Among the giantkeepers was a man, who knew how to assemble a film. With instructions being handed to him, he managed to create an aesthetic social advertising.

Giantkeepers watched the ad few more times, before they approved it and sent it to the platform.


Bianca waited impatiently for their social advertising to be broadcasted on the platform. She knew that majority of people will watch it, as it was the most popular life streaming platform in the internet.

One transmission ended and girl was met with the logo of the giantkeepers' group. It was showtime.

She read comments with smile - people seemed to be amused by giants' adorable way of being. They even started to wonder where such loveable "humans" lived.

Then, something more gruesome appeared in the ad. It was a footage of a one of the carried out vivisections on a giant. People were furious, they demanded to know who was responsible for doing such a cruel thing.

And then, a final came. Now all those moments were replayed, but this time it was visible that the "humans" were actually giants. The ad finished with a sentence "If you didn't see the difference, why would you treat them like they don't deserve it?".

There was a heavy silence on the chat. Bianca smiled, convinced that it shook people and caused them to rethink their opinion about giants. Oh boy, how wrong her predictions were...

Chat responses tremendously changed. People said that the friendly demeanor of giants is a fake and they praised the footage of vivisection.

Bianca was dumbfounded at the sight of the buckets of venom and hate speech being spilled in comments. Were people really so hypocritical and didn't want to embrace the truth?

They accused creators of the ad of manipulation and lying, massively reporting the social advertising for being "inappropriate". As a result, the ad was immediately removed from the platform, though giantkeepers paid for few sessions.

Girl was devastated. All the hard work she and others put into the ad, it was all for nothing!

Feeling helpless and worthless, she hid under the blankets on her bed and opened a last selfie of her and Mason on her phone.

- I've failed. I'm sure you are disappointed in me - she mumbled, bursting into tears.

After a long while, she found a little strength to crawl out of the bed and to go take shower.

While taking refreshing shower, she thought how in the world it was possible that even after seeing such strong evidence of giants being as emotional and intelligent as humans, people still saw them only as stupid, loyal creatures, born for serving humankind.

When she got back to her bed, she was surprised to see a notification about SMS from unknown number. She opened the message and read it:

"Hello there. My name is Gale and I'm an employee of the Center for Monitoring Racist and Xenophobic Behaviors. I watched your ad and being able to tell true from false, I can tell that giants' behavior was purely natural. Can we meet and discuss the matters?"

Girl rubbed her eyes in disbelief. Did giants manage to reach to someone's soul? And it was someone who could really help them?

She quickly typed:

"Sure, do you possibly can come to the university menagerie tomorrow evening?"

She then sent it.

She quickly got a response:

"Splendid! See you tomorrow"

Her hope was restored.

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