🥛 (2)

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It's been five days since Maxim became a manager of the dairy factory in Falkirk. The nightmare time was going to be over soon.

During his stay here, Maxim reduced contact with petits géants to an absolute minimum. He was doing rounds during workers' break times to avoid them. And whenever any employee managed to catch him to talk, he always replied fast and with visible reluctance.

Although his behavior was repulsive, employees were still polite and kind to him. They tried to invite him for a beer or a dinner, but he always turned down their invitations.

But he did see that the dairy products were doing well. Inhabitants really have gained muscles and seemed to be stronger. Though Maxim wasn't fond of Falkirk people, he felt a little joy, seeing that they're getting better.

He looked at the calendar he had on his desk and smiled. Only two days divided him from going back home.

His phone rang, reminding him of the round he still had to do. He sighed and having took paper sheet with listed things to check, left his office.

He was walking from gear to gear, checking if everything was working. If everything was fine, he moved onto the next machine.

In his rush he didn't hear a suspicious sound coming from the ceiling. One of the lamps was hanging on the balance, it was only matter of seconds before it falls.

Louis finished his meal earlier than most of his co-workers and decided to go back to work. He left the canteen and turned his footsteps towards the production hall.

He entered the room and smiled at the sight of the boss. He didn't want to bother him, he knew that mr. Parker was still little wary of the employees. As he was about to go to his workstation, disturbing sound caught his attention. He looked up just in time to see how defective lamp was falling down.

Right on the boss.

Driven by his heart, Louis leaped forward and shouted:

- Watch out boss!

He managed to push small man out of the lamp's way. The lamp shattered on worker's left leg, he cried in pain.

Petrified Maxim jumped to his feet and seconds later he was by giant's side.

- Louis, does it hurt very bad?! - he asked, pulling out the phone.

- Zhis is really painful - worker whined, writhing in pain.

Other giants hearing painful cry and boss's frightened shout, came to the production hall. They gasped, seeing their co-worker laying in puddle of blood, with glass pieces stuck in his leg.

- What happened? - someone asked. Maxim sighed in relief, seeing that employees came back from their break. He alone wouldn't copy with that situation.

- Your colleague here saved my life. Now I need you to carry him somewhere safe and stay with him until ambulance arrives, got it? - he asked. Giants nodded in understanding, they found a large plank on which they placed Louis and then they carried him to the locker room.

Maxim dialed 911 and waited for someone to pick up...


Bertha was cooking chicken broth for her son, when she heard almost inaudible knock on the door. She left the kitchen and walked up to the front door. She opened it and spotted a small figure standing on the stair, holding a bag full of dairy products and tiny bouquet of tulips.

- Is this the house where Louis Chauve is living? - man asked.

- Oh, you must be mr. Maxim Parker, zhe boss of my son! I'm Bertha Chauve, it's nice to meet you. Please, come inside - giantess said and gestured for man to enter the building.

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