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- Is it clear? - Skye asked her twin brother.

- Wait a second... - he mumbled, feeling how tremors were getting weaker, until they ceased.

- Okay, we can go now! - Luca exclaimed and both borrowers crawled out of the mouse hole.

They were now on the kitchen counter, a great place, full of necessities for small folks. Of course, they had to be quick and stealthy, bean could return in any moment.

They dashed to bowl, where various fruit were placed. Borrowers took grapes since they were small enough to fit in their bags.

Suddenly Luka smelled something delicious. He turned his head in the direction smell was coming from. On the second counter was a plate with freshly baked cookies. The catch was, between those counters there was a fairly wide gap.

But it didn't discouraged young borrower and soon enough he was at counter's ledge, determined to get those cookies. Unfortunately, his grappling hook was too short to reach the second counter, so he had to find another way.

His gaze rested on a spider's web connecting two counters. Skye seeing her brother's face, quickly said:

- Don't even think about it! What if you get glued to it?

- Relax Skye, I know which silk are dry, I'll be just fine! - Luca replied and jumped onto the web. He then began to move forward, to reach second counter. Suddenly, he felt his hand was sticky and it turned out that he put it on adhesive silk. Panicked, he began to thrash, resulting in getting trapped more.

- Skye, help! - borrower cried.

- Hang on! - his sister replied and threw to him her grappling hook. He took it in his hand.

Skye pulled the string, but was too weak to unstick her twin from the web. She tried few more times, until string severed. Borrower girl lost her balance and soon joined her brother, tangled in the silk.

- Well done sis - Luca said sarcastically.

- If you hadn't been an idiot in the first place, we wouldn't be here! - Skye growled.

- Oh, so it's my fault?! - he asked.

- Yes, exactly! - she shouted.

But their quarrel was interrupted by heavy footsteps, followed with strong tremors. A bean was coming!

- Look, if we die today, I just want you to know that you were the best sister I could have asked for! - Luca whimpered.

- The same goes for you brother! - Skye replied, her voice was thick with tears.


- Stupid old f#ck! - Zain grumbled under his nose while entering the kitchen. His father had taken out his frustration on him and then brazenly ordered him to make him a coffee.

He was reaching for his father's favorite mug, when he heard a small yelling. He looked to his right and saw two small children glued to web weaved between counters.

- The hell? - he murmured, certain that he lost his mind. Children seemed to be twins, they were around 5 years old and were no bigger than 2 inches. They were wearing clothes made of wipes for glasses, which mysteriously disappeared from Zain's drawer. Well, at least he knew now what had happened to them.

He leaned forward to get better look at the kids, triggering a wave of tears from them.

He perked up, hearing how his father was heading to the kitchen. Knowing old man's mindset, he knew he has to hide little ones from him.

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