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Though at first living with a real angel was quite terrifying and full of unexpected events, mr. Smith quickly got used to supernatural being's presence.

Angel boy became very talkative within day or two and told old forester about himself.

His name was Azriel and he was just 8 years old. He accidentally fell into portal leading to an Earth and since he had never flown, he crashed into a tree and broke his wing. Then, smell of blood attracted some wild dogs which bit his wing. He somehow managed to escape them and found refuge in man's stable.

He admitted he was a little scared of man at first when she saw him with a weapon, but when he saw that man believes in God, he knew he could trust him. Man didn't want to disabuse angel, since he feared what he could do to him when he finds out, so he said nothing.

Man learnt why Azriel had a body and wasn't a spirit. Angels in their real form caused people to lose their sanity, that's why when on Earth they had to adopt the form of humans' idea of angels.

He also explained why angels in their mortal bodies are bigger than average human. It's because angel's powers and knowledge couldn't fit in normal body, so that's why it needs to be bigger. And explained why his wings are grey and not white: it's because he has the lowest rank in angels' hierarchy.

Azriel's presence wasn't as troublesome as man expected. Sure, there were few moments where man regretted taking him under his roof, like when angel turned his shack upside down, because man forgot to tell Azriel that he had deliveries that day and boy got scared when he couldn't find man anywhere. Mr. Smith was furious at first, seeing the mess angel did, but quickly calmed down, after boy hugged him and said he missed him.

Angel was looking forward to go back to heaven. Man was too, but it's not because he didn't want to look after boy. He was afraid he gets emotionally attached to the angel and will suffer after Azriel goes back home. So for now he tried to keep distance from angel, which was hard since boy was affectionate and needed a lot of attention.

Now mr. Smith was checking angel's wing as every evening. He was surprised to see that it was almost healed, but then he remembered about the supernatural nature of his guest.

Boy got to his pajamas, laid down in his makeshift bed. Mr. Smith ruffled angel's hair and having wished him a goodnight, he went to his bedroom.

He got comfortably in his own bed, but wanted to read before going to sleep. He put glasses on his nose and having took a book, began to read it.

An hour had passed, when man heard door to his bedroom being opened. He looked in that direction and saw Azriel looking quite ashamed.

- Do you need something? - he asked angel. Boy timidly entered the room.

- I need to pee mr. Smith - he replied.

Since angel was too big to fit in the toilet, he had to fulfill physiological needs in spacious privy outside the shack.

Man sighed and put his book down.

- Okay, let's go - he murmured and they went to the hallway, where they wore warm clothes, then they went outside. Boy entered the privy, man waited behind it.

- Are you done? - he asked.

- In a while! - boy replied.

Few seconds later angel left the privy. Man and boy went inside the shack and got undressed. Mr. Smith put boy to bed again and went back to his bedroom. Having lost all desire to read, he turned off the light and went to bed.

She was slowly nodding off to sleep, when something gently shook his shoulder. He raised his head and Azriel appeared to his eyes.

- What is it this time? - he grumpily asked.

- I'm hungry - angel replied.

Man rubbed his eyes to get rid of the blurriness and got up. He turned his footsteps towards the kitchen, with boy following him.

Angel sat at the table and was watching how old man was preparing him French toast, as it was an easy and filling meal. After man was done, he put them on the plate and gave it to boy.

Mr. Smith was watching as little giant was eating his meal with relish.

- Full? - he asked angel. Azriel nodded, small smile spread across his face.

- Okay, so now go to your bed - man said, taking plate and put it in the sink, deciding he'll wash it tomorrow.

Angel obediently went to living room, man turned his footsteps towards his bedroom.

Mr. Smith once more got comfortable in his bed and fell asleep. He dreamt of good old days with his late wife, when suddenly a loud "Wake up mr. Smith!" caused his dream to disappear.

Agitated man roared at angel:

- WHAT?!!

But he quickly let go of his anger, seeing Azriel all petrified and crying. Angel moved back in shame, covering his face with his healthy wing.

- I'm sorry I bothered you, I'll just go - he whimpered and put his hand on door's handle.

- No, no! I should be the one apologizing, I shouldn't have been so rude... Why are you here? - man asked concerned. Angel came close to man's bed and rubbed his eyes.

- I had a nightmare and I came to ask if I can sleep with you - he said.

That would explain his tears and fear. Man didn't feel comfortable, worrying that his bed won't handle their weights. But looking at those sad, big eyes, he couldn't say "no".

- Fine, come'ere - he said and uncovered himself.

Azriel brightened up, wiped his tears away and laid down next to man, bed groaned from additional load.

- Goodnight - mr. Smith grumbled, turning away from the angel. But then he was suddenly brought to Azriel's chest in a tight hug.

- Hey! I didn't let you-! - man didn't end his sentence, as angel's healthy wing wrapped around him and he heard quiet snoring coming from his guest's mouth.

Man grumbled something under his nose and having got comfortable in Azriel's embrace, fell asleep.

But this time, there was nothing to interrupt his rest. Azriel had a calm night, not having nightmares anymore, sleeping with person he truly trusted. And so did man, dreaming about his late wife again.

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