- Aaaaand done! - William said, putting small crystal inside something that looked like a toy gun. He closed the lid and took it in his hands.
- Behold the shrink ray! - he exclaimed to rodents he was keeping in spacious tank. They didn't even look at him, they were too occupied with eating the hay.
- It's the best solution for overpopulating our planet! We'll get to shrink people and build small cities, so that everyone will get to live normally, without worrying about ending supplies! - William said, very proud of himself.
- But first I need to see if it works! - he exclaimed and having took out one rat of the tank, he aimed the shrink ray at it and then pressed the trigger.
After rat got shot, it was quickly getting smaller and smaller, it resembled man of a deflating balloon. It soon stopped, the rat became the size of a bark beetle.
Rat squeaked in fear and ran away, hiding somewhere among man's laboratory glassware.
- Yes! It works! - William got excited, a new idea appeared in his mind.
He set the shrink ray on a holder and set its program to shoot in 10 seconds. He then jumped on the counter, trying to sit down and not to knock too many things over.
After 10 seconds, shrink ray turned on and shot a beam in man's direction. William felt a tickling sensation, when she was going down and down. Finally, it stopped as well as his downsizing. He stood about 4 and a half inches tall now.
Man looked in awe at the gigantic surroundings around him. So much space! Bye bye overpopulation!
In his joy he was prancing around. Unfortunately, he didn't see a wet spot on the counter and having slipped on it, he fell down on his face.
He hissed in pain and automatically put his hand on his forehead. Much to his surprise, he felt the dripping blood, he must have hit his head really badly.
- I should have cleaned my counter before I shrank myself - he murmured.
Suddenly, he heard a gasp and padding sound. He turned around his head and got speechless.
In front of him there was a boy heading to him. He had espresso brown, short hair and amethyst eyes. He was wearing clothes made from old wipes, with two buttons sewed to his shirt. He had small bandages on his arms and legs.
Did that boy was first to invent the shrink ray? William highly doubted that, since boy was no older than 14 years old and didn't seem to be the sharpest knife.
- What do you think you're doing?! Do you want the bean to see you?! - boy growled, as he helped William up. Man didn't answer, he was just talking gibberish, with the lines of "incredible" and touched boy's face. Annoyed boy put down William's hand and pointed at man's wound.
- I see it must have been a hard hit, if you're talking nonsense and acting weird. Come on, let's get out of here before the bean spot us - boy said and took man by his arm, dragging him to the counter's edge, where a small hook with string was attached.
- Now be careful, okay? We don't need to hurt you more - boy said and slid the string down. He motioned at William to follow him.
Man gulped and having took the string in his hands, slowly climbed the counter down. When his feet touched the ground, boy took the string from man's hands and brought the hook down.
He then again took William's arm and brought him to a mouse hole. They entered it and soon reached a small room, home of this small guy, as William presumed.
Boy seated man on the pack of paper tissues, he himself walked up to bundle of hygienic buds. He then ripped a cotton off of one and went back to William, pressing the cotton against man's wound.

G/T Stories
Cerita PendekBunch of oneshots (and not only) about folks various sizes and shapes.