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Amaguq was panting heavily over hunted bear's body. A small smile spread on his face - his parents are going to be so proud of him.

He tied the dead animal to his dog team and they slowly began heading to their village.

But strange light coming from the center of it worried teen and caused him to hurry his furry friends.

He left the dog team and and prey next to his igloo and rushed to the center. He was passing by taller people, until he got to the first row. He gasped, seeing what that whole commotion was about.

Both of his parents were being standing in front of Cephine - goddess who helped their tribe in the hard times, expecting only loyalty and offerings from them in return. What did Amaguq's parents mess with her?

- I gave you everything! A place to call home, beautiful offsprings, rich catch, successful harvest! I only asked you for praising me in return! But you two are traitorous scums, who didn't deserve my kindness! Now you shall be punished! - her angry voice rumbled.

- No! - young boy ran up to the couple and shielded them with his body. He then got down to his knees and having bowed to goddess, said:

- Oh the most Glorious! My parents are good people, they don't deserve to be punished!

- But they did acclaim and pay tribute to another god! - she snarled.

- But they're only humans, they can get tempted too! But if you really need to punish someone for their mistakes... Please, punish me! - Amaguq cried.

Crowd was touched by boy's bravery and so was Cephine. She put her hand under his chin, forcing him to look at her.

- Because you're doing it out of kindness and willingly, I won't kill you as I intended on doing it to your parents. But, your curse will make you suffer very much, are you sure you want to do it? - she asked.

- I'll do anything to save my parents' lives! - teen declared.

- Very well - goddess murmured and put her index finger on his forehead. Boy locked up in pain and Cephine disappeared in a flash of light.

Panicked Amaguq noticed that everything around him was getting smaller and smaller... No! It was him who was growing!

Although in great pain, he reached his hand out to his parents.

- Mom, dad! I'm in pain! Please, help me! - he cried. They moved back and looked at their son with disgust and horror.

Then it all became a chain reaction. People were running away, screaming, some hid in their safe igloos.

- No! Don't be scared! It's still me, Amaguq! I won't hurt you! - giant's loud voice echoed through the village. People winced at the volume of his voice, but didn't intend to listen to him.

It only got worse as the time was passing.

Villagers got violent, they started to throw sticks and stones at Amaguq. It didn't hurt giant, but then a spear pierced his left cheek. Teen looked at the person who did that and became heartbroken, seeing it was his own father.

He locked his eyes with the miniscule figure, hurt and disappointment painted on his face. Soon, threats and insults came to giant's ears:

- Begone beast!

- Get out of here!

- Scram!

- Raus!

More villagers follow the example of Amaguq's father and threw their spears at him. And they, unlike stick and stones, hurt really bad.

Having no other choice, giant left his village and ran away to forest.


It was getting dark when Amaguq finally found a shelter his size. He entered the cave and after he made sure it was unoccupied, he went back to uproot few trees for bonfire.

He was staring mindlessly at the fire, when a pinch on his left forearm caught his attention. He pulled a spear out of his body, it was no bigger than a match for him now.

He searched rest of his body and was plucking tiny weapons out, swallowing salty, cold tears during it.

Villagers' reaction was still haunting his mind, it was so cruel of them to treat him like that, especially that he was still the same, just gained few extra feet because of curse.

But he had the biggest grudge against his own parents. They should have done something, protected him, reassured him that despite his curse he's still their dear son...

But instead they joined the angry mob and his dad even hurt him! Amaguq slowly touched the scar on his cheek. Something broke in him in that moment.

Growling in anger, he lifted up his fist and then slammed it against a large rock, causing it to break in a half.

Scared of what he had become and his brutal strength, he curled up and began to fully cry.

If he had known that his parents were such false people, he would have never took their punishment. They probably don't even care about him right now, they surely are happy that he's gone.

Embittered and exhausted, giant laid down on the hard ground, hoping that despite recent events, he'll get to start his life over. And maybe it'll be a better than previous one.

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