William yawned, it was high time to begin the new day. He got out of his bed and immediately headed towards the kitchen.
He smiled at the sight of little footprints left in the spilled flour. He still couldn't believe that he had a small person living in his walls for all these years. But Michael still counted as a person and was treated by William like one.
Scientist wanted to tell borrower the truth, but first had to warm Michael to his true self. So he was leaving food and scraps of clothes in easily accessible places, eliminated all mouse traps and made sure that boy was still living in his house.
He managed to expand the time duration of the shrink ray effect, thanks to it he had plenty of time to bond with Michael. Borrower no longer doubted in William, as man shown him access to cabinets and drawers in which boy could find more useful things to borrow. Now Michael admired William and looked up to him, being impressed by his fearlessness and knowledge about bean's routine and stuff.
Michael was so confident around William, that he even called him once "dad", when man saved him from falling into the sink. Scientist didn't mind it, he even thought it was adorable that borrower saw him as a father figure.
Now they were in borrower's hideout, William was showing Michael how to make more durable grappling hook.
- Look, if we take four needles and bend them in the shape of the hooks and then glue them together, we'll get a better grappling hook! - man shown boy the outcome of his guide. Michael took the new hook in his hands, his eyes glistened with joy.
- Incredible! It really is the best hook I've ever seen! You're the smartest borrower I've met, I'm so lucky to have you! - he exclaimed. Man blushed, hearing the compliments.
- The pleasure is mine Mickey - he taunted boy. Borrower snorted.
- I told you to not call me that! I'm not a little kid anymore! - he said.
- Oh, I'm just messing with ya! Besides, since that day when you called me "dad", I started to think of you more like my son and to me you'll always be a kid - man stated. Borrower grumbled something under his nose and having put the hook away, started to sharpen his favorite needle. William decided to shyly began the topic of his true self:
- And how is it going with bean? I've noticed that he's leaving food and things in convenient places. Maybe you were wrong about him?
Michael sighed heavy - not again.
- As I have said it thousand times, bean is very messy, it doesn't have anything with his good heart - borrower claimed. He didn't notice that William sulked after he said that.
- Why don't you want to give him a chance? I'm sure he's not as bad as you're viewing him - man mumbled.
- Why are you so insisting on this topic?! It almost feels like you want me to go out to meet the bean! Are you two working together to deceive me?! - boy accused man. William cocked his head.
- What do you mean? - he asked.
- Did the bean catch you and you promised him me for letting you go? Because that's the only reason I can think of why you would want me to go out to bean - Michael said.
- No, of course not! I just think that your prejudice blinds you. Haven't you heard that you shouldn't judge book by its cover? - man asked.
- But he's not a book! And he's dangerous! He's one of those people in white clothes who use other animals and beans for their own benefits! - boy snarled.
- But-
- No buts! End of the topic! - Michael shouted and turned away from William.
Man was really hurt. His another attempt failed. Maybe he should stop speaking about it for a while. For now, he wanted to build strong bond with boy.

G/T Stories
Short StoryBunch of oneshots (and not only) about folks various sizes and shapes.