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- And? Do you see him Maisie? - Poppy asked her friend standing on the wall.

Maisie would like to say "no", but unfortunately he was there. Wearing green overalls, rubber boots, straw hat and of course a muzzle, he was digging holes for tree seedlings.

- Yes, he's there - she said in defeated voice.

- Well, what are you waiting for? Maisie, Maisie let down your hair! - Poppy said.

Daughter of Rapunzel dropped her long braid, letting Poppy, Clarice and Dana to climb it up, to get on the wall.

As soon as Poppy reached the wall, she dashed to its edge and leaned out.
She sighed in delight, seeing her crush working in the garden.

- How can you love him? You're the daughter of Jack, he's a son of the giant your father killed! It can't work out! - Clarice, daughter of Cinderella said.

- Not to mention he's destined to be killed by you - Dana, daughter of Fairy Godmother added.

- Plus, he's a giant! He's stupid and brutal, how could you ever be with him? - Maisie said.

- How rude of you girls! You don't know him and yet you're insulting him? Being the protagonists? - Poppy retorted.

- He's an antagonist Poppy! Did you expect us to be cheerful when we found out that Adonis is your crush? - Dana asked.

- And if he is as nice as you said, then why he has to wear muzzle? - Maisie wondered.

- Every offspring of any man-eating creature has to wear one, as a precaution, but that doesn't mean they are man-eaters! Besides, Adonis is like a cute, giant teddy bear - daughter of Jack replied.

- How would you know that? You've been just stalking him, but you never got the courage to talk to him - Maisie pointed out.

Poppy smiled at the thought of their obliviousness. Little did they know...

Her father always said that she was way too nosey and curious. But it wasn't her fault! She needed to know what's happening on the antagonists' side of college.

She managed to got there, but unfortunately, bad guys were everywhere, her only option not to get caught was to hide in the garden. She didn't predict that she won't be there alone.

She literally ran into Adonis, who was trimming a hedge. Of course she was terrified at first, after all it was a descendant of her father's archenemy! But it turned out that her fear was unnecessary.

Young giant was a real gentleman, nothing like her father and brothers told her. What is more, he was undescribably handsome - those mesmerizing eyes of color of the night sky, soft and fluffy, ebony surfer hair and his beautiful smile, partly hidden behind the muzzle.

They were staring at each other, until giant smelled that the Snow Queen - headmistress of the antagonists' side of the college - was coming in their direction. Not wanting Poppy to get in trouble, giant hid her in the pocket and then walked over to the wall separating both sides of the college.

He dropped her there and scolded her for being so reckless. He advised her that if she wanted to break the rules, she should have done it in the night, when there's no one around. Poppy accepted that as an invitation for tour.

And so, from word to word, from meeting to meeting, she ended up falling in love with him. Adonis not only was attractive, but he also happened to be an amazing and interesting person! And he had such fascinating hobby, namely gardening. He knew plenty of plants and always told Poppy some trivia about them.

Daughter of Jack knew it was highly dangerous of her to even look at Adonis - her father would be so disappointed in her.

But after all, was it a sin not wanting to follow her destiny?

Adonis noticed spying girls on the wall. He smiled at them and then tipped his hat.

Poppy waved her hand and then sent him a kiss, all while she had that stupid smile on her face.


Big Bad Wolf Junior - or Junior for short - was watching as his monumental friend was leaning on the shovel, gawking at the wall with dreamy face.

He sighed in frustration and began to climb up the colossus, clutching onto his overalls with the help of his claws.

When he reached Adonis's shoulder, he sat down and followed giant's gaze. He saw four girls standing on the wall, he knew who their parents were. Adonis's eyes were locked in the daughter of Jack.

- Adonis, listen. I'm glad that you have found your love and I do support you. After all, my girlfriend is the daughter of the Hunter, but you can't expose your feelings like that - Junior said.

- And why is that? - giant asked.

- Well, if her father or one of her six brothers find out, you will end as a carpet or wall decor - wolf replied.

- I know it's quite reckless, but can you blame me? He bewitched me with her fiery-red hair and amber eyes! Not to mention that she's brave, nimble and has that cute laugh! Everything about her is perfect - giant said.

- I don't even want to imagine how awkward family dinners will be - Junior mumbled.

- Aw, come on! The past is past, I'm sure our families will finally bury the hatchet, seeing how strong our love is! - Adonis claimed.

- But it's not only about you. If you won't fullfil your destiny, the Dark will absorb each of fairytales! And you will bring a doomsday on us! - wolf warned giant.

- Hey, you said you love your future enemy too - gardener noticed.

- Yes, but we do keep the distance, since we know how it will end if we become a couple - Junior replied.

- Well, I do not fear the Dark. It's not fair, why only protagonists have the privilege to have their happily ever after? Why do we have to fear the Dark? Why can't antagonists live a good life for once? - giant fumed.

- That's what Balance imposed. Woe to those who oppose it, for they will face terrible consequences - wolf said.

- But I don't want to be an antagonist. I don't want to wear that stupid muzzle. I want to help people. I want to raise a family. I want to show everyone that they're the ones who can make their own destinies - Adonis replied.

- That's why are you failing each year? You don't want to fulfill your part of the story? - Junior asked. Giant nodded.

- Well, you can delay it, but you can't escape it. Each destiny is inevitable - wolf said.

- I know... I just don't want to agree with that. I want to change the world. I want everyone to follow their hearts, not their parents stories - Adonis said.

- I know, I know. And I'm a really lucky pup to have such you as a best friend. You always consider others, it's noble and you don't need to be ashamed of it - Junior stated.

- Thanks Junior - giant replied and scratched behind wolf's ear. Junior's tail wagged at the kind gesture.

And so, forbidden lovers were staring at each other longingly, divided by merciless fates.

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