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Adrien knew from the moment he saw her for the first time, that she's going to be his future wife.

She was gorgeous - silver-white hair, with bangs covering one of her chocolate eyes, always wearing paint-stained clothes. She looked like a fragile doll and to him - a 50 foot tall giant - she was like one.

They met each other in drama club. Adrien was the only giant in the whole co-species high school to join it, as other giants thought it was "gay" and "girly" to perform on the stage.

Giant shown to have incredible acting skills on the first rehearsals, later he often was getting the main role.

Adrien's crush, Zeta, didn't perform. She was responsible for stage decorations and for costumes.

One day, when she was taking measurements of the giant, he "accidentally" knocked down the ladder she was standing on. He managed to catch her before she hit the ground and having profusely apologized to her, he suggested a meeting at the cafeteria, to make up for the stress she experienced.

It was a poxy pick-up move, but she agreed anyway. Then, after their first date, they went on another and another and another.

When they made it official, many friends from drama club found it odd, since it was unusual for a giant and human to be together. Nevertheless, they kept their fingers crossed for the couple, since they saw how happy they were around each other.

They graduated and quickly found jobs - Adrien was noticed by many great directors and as soon as he was free, he got his first contract. Thanks to him, his girlfriend Zeta also got job as a costume designer.

During the premiere of the film where Adrien was the main character, giant proposed to his girlfriend, positively surprising her. Of course she said "yes".

Their marriage and wedding were loud events, since they were the first interspecies couple in the whole country and maybe in the whole world. They got lots of congratulations, but there still were people who thought it was "unnatural" for them to get married.

They saved a large amount of money and could afford a co-species house, which was comfortable for both of them.

Few years later, thanks to the most modern techniques of insemination, couple was able to welcome their dear daughter Mia to the world. Adrien at first was afraid of taking care of her, fearing he might accidentally hurt her, but eventually he figured out how to take care of such miniscule baby.

Their life was idyllic and they would never imagine it to be ruined by the events that were yet to come.

In the year when their daughter was turning 4 years old, a mysterious disease touched giantkind. Caused by a virus, it was wreaking havock in giants' brains. Infected giants went crazy, they were self-harming themselves and were going on a rampage, hurting many humans in result.

Sick giants were quickly quarantined in special facilities, healthy ones were forced to go back to only giants' cities for safety reasons.

Zeta was sure her husband would never have to suffer such cruel fate. That he is strong enough to not to get the virus. Unfortunately life had other plans.

First symptoms were minor. He was raising his voice at his wife from time to time, but it wasn't anything serious, as he was quickly apologizing afterwards. Then, he began to scratch his skin, until it bled, explaining it was very itchy.

But the breaking point was when he physically hurt one of his colleagues during the shots. He was quickly taken to the hospital and a diagnosis was made: gigante insanire.

He then was put in the facility, along with other infected. It broke Zeta's heart, seeing how her husband's personality completely changed. But she knew she has to be strong, for him and for their daughter.

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