- Okay crew, I don't have good news - Autumn said when everyone gathered in the tent.
- I've been getting a lot of complaints recently. That our show is boring, that we're always doing the same, that we're not improving! People don't want to come to our circus, we're going to go bankrupt if we don't think of solution - she said.
- I can try swallow a burning sword instead of normal one - sword swallower named Andre said.
- I will learn how to juggle, ride an unicycle and dance at once, while doing this on a rope hanging few meters above the ground - contortionist Yanka suggested.
- I'll teach our camels to sing a song - animal trainer Blake said.
- Maybe I should pull other animals from my hat. I have a pair of guinea pigs in my wagon - magician Spencer added.
- No, no! - Autumn growled - It's not enough! We need to think of something that no circus had ever shown! Something that will make our circus to be the talk of the people! - she added.
- Like what? - clowns asked.
- I don't know yet... - sad ringmistress replied and went out of the tent to get some fresh air.
Crew was heartbroken. They couldn't believe that probably soon they'll have to say goodbye to their hopes and dreams. Spencer shook his head.
- No! We can't let our audience down! If they want something new, they'll get something new! - he turned to the team.
- Let's practice new tricks and performances, then we'll pick the most interesting ones and will make a new, better show! - he said.
Crew listened to him, they divided to find a best place for each member's practice. Spencer left the tent and turned his footsteps towards the prairie, where no one could bother him.
- And now this card will go through my hand like a knife, but won't cut me! - Spencer exclaimed and performed said trick. He sighed and threw card away. It won't be enough, he needed something eye-catching. A trick no one had ever performed before.
He looked at his stuff scattered around - endless tissues, wand from which bouquet appears, countless cards, chains and much more. Nothing was good enough.
- Think Spencer think! What haven't they seen yet? - he wondered loudly.
- I know! - he exclaimed. He took an apple and having covered it with white cloth, tapped it with his wand few times. He then snatched the cloth and to his eyes appeared 10 apples instead of one.
- Oh, who am I kidding?! They're right, it's all boring! - he groaned and lied flat on the ground.
Spencer raised his head, hearing the sound of crunching. He turned around and froze, seeing what was eating his apples.
The creature had deer rear, nose, ears and antlers. He was bipedal, rest of his body was human-ish and he had cloven hooves instead of fingers. He had slightly coily, long and brown hair, which was covering his eyes. He was munching on fruit with relish. It was hard to tell how old creature was, but he had to be quite young, his antlers only had three tines.
And he was like 23 foot tall.
Deer creature finished feeding on the apples and licked his lips afterwards. He then turned his attention to the magician. He was staring at man for a while and having got down on all fours, he cautiously approached Spencer.

G/T Stories
Short StoryBunch of oneshots (and not only) about folks various sizes and shapes.