- It's valid, you can go in and enjoy the show - Zack said in bored voice and punched woman's ticket. This job was so boring. Well, at least it wasn't challenging and they paid not so bad. Plus after everyone gets their tickets checked, he'll get to watch the show too and for free. He knew how much those scraps of paper were worthy.
- Next! - he called. When nobody came in about 20 seconds, it surprised Zack. He only checked about 100 tickets, there should be at least 3 times more.
He raised his head and saw how people were gathered in large group, quivering and staring at something. He got out of his booth and looked around, but didn't saw anything. He turned to people:
- What's going on here? Is there something-?
He was interrupted by huff of air which hit the back of his head. He hesitantly turned around, scared of facing what was behind him.
He jumped away from enormous face filling up his vision. Giant was crouching in front of him, looking at him expectantly.
Zack screamed and quickly dashed into his booth, locking himself inside. He yelped hearing how colossus began to tap it. He quickly took out his phone and dialed security number.
Terence was confused. He did everything human female told him, plus he took grandpa's advice. His grandfather told him to dress up elegantly - Terence dyed his best shirt black, since brown isn't that classy - and to take some flowers for the female and give bouquet to her in the end.
His grandpa was a wise giant. He lived among humans long enough to get to know their way of life. They even gave him a glossy bracelet when they released him. Grandpa always told Terence that they're not as bad as other giants say.
- Come on little guy, I just want to enter! - Terence said, trying to shove ticket inside the booth. Unfortunately, his hand was too big and he got stuck.
- Oops! - giant said and yanked his hand out of small hole. Unfortunately, while doing it, he also ripped off half of the booth stuck on his hand. Remains of it shattered on the ground.
- Crap! Sorry I didn't mean it! - he apologized to male human laying inside what had left of the booth. He then waved his ticket.
- So... Can I go inside or... - Terence asked awkwardly. Human didn't reply, that's when realization hit giant.
- I forgot you can't understand me! Hmm... - Terence wondered how to show human what he had meant. He gently lifted human up by his collar and shown him the ticket.
- See? Now I can go in, right? - he asked. Human wasn't listening to him, he was busy panicking and screaming at the giant.
- Put me down! Put me down! - Zack was repeating over and over. Giant was grumbling at him confusingly, trying to show him the thing he was holding in second hand. Man sighed in relief, hearing loud:
- Put him down! You're surrounded!
Terence looked down at the group of humans circling him, holding some weird black sticks. His grandpa told him it's called "weapon" and it's safer to listen to humans whenever they point it at giant.
So Terence put male human down. As soon as he was free, he fled to other humans and hid behind them. What a coward.
- Put your hands up! - some human yelled. Terence obeyed and raised his hands up.
Security guards were dumbfounded. They didn't expect giant to cooperate so eagerly. They also didn't know what to do with him, it's the first time they got called to a giant. Should they call zoo? Maybe they should carry him to the forest? Or just let him go? They knew that giants aren't aggressive towards humans, unlike to each other.
Their considerations were interrupted by arrival of one of artists performing in the spectacle. Freya O'Gara, the one mentioned earlier, walked up to security guards and asked:
- What's going on here?
One of the guards pointed at giant with his glock and said:
- We got a call about a giant disturbing ticket checking, but we have everything under control now.
Freya looked up at the surrounded giant and grinned widely, recognizing him.
- Terry! You came after all - she exclaimed. Giant nodded. People around got confused. How in the world she knew him?
Freya stood in front of the giant and introduced him:
- This is Terence. He helped me few days ago, when I sprained my ankle. He's totally harmless, you have nothing to fear about.
- But he did destroy the booth! - Zack protested.
Giant shuffled his legs and grunted apologetically, visibly regretting his actions.
- I'm sure he didn't mean it, just look at him - Freya said.
- Still, he'll have to fix it! - Zack growled.
- Okay, after show I'll personally ensure that he'll fix his mistake - woman promised.
- But what is he doing here? I thought giants shun us and our surroundings - one guard was confused. Freya pointed at the ticket giant was holding in his hand.
- He came here for the show! I gave him one ticket, to say "thank you" for fixing my ankle - she explained. People calmed down.
- So he's just here because of the show? - some security guard made sure.
- Yes. He just wanted to give you his ticket to get it checked - woman turned to Zack.
Man cautiously approached giant and took the ticket, then he punched it.
- You c-can go i-in. E-enjoy - he stammered. Giant huffed contentedly and turned his footsteps towards the amphitheater, to take his seat.
Man simply entered the remains of the booth. "I'm quitting, it's not for my sanity" he thought and shouted at people:
- Next!
Show was a great success and every artist got a standing ovation. Terence joined in, although he didn't even know why humans were clapping their hands together.
After that, giant left the amphitheater and waited for Freya. He took a bouquet out of his pocket and fixed it, as it got little crumpled.
- What you got there? - familiar voice asked. Giant turned around and awkwardly gave flowers to Freya.
- For me? Aww, how sweet of you - she wanted to hug him, but restrained herself, remembering how he reacted last time. But now, she had to persuade him to fix the booth.
- You know how you accidentally destroyed the booth? - she shyly asked. Giant nodded.
- Well, I need you to rebuilt it, otherwise you'll be in big trouble - she explained.
To her surprise, Terence didn't throw a tantrum, he just quietly walked up to the remains and crouched over them, wondering how can he fix his mistake.
Freya on the other hand was wondering how she can get to know Terence better. For he was an interesting persona.

G/T Stories
Short StoryBunch of oneshots (and not only) about folks various sizes and shapes.