Toby watched confused from behind the table's leg how bean was holding piece of paper and crying over it. What could be written there that it make human so sad? Soon, there was an opportunity to find out.
Bean got up and went outside to smoke, which meant Toby had at least 15 minutes before he comes back.
Well, it's not like Toby was afraid of getting caught. Evan was different than beans from stories colony told him. He looked after borrower when he broke his leg in unfortunate accident. And when he learned about the whole colony living in his flat, he was providing them with food every single day.
But Evan was a proud human. He hated admitting failure, thinking it makes him weak. Beans were generally weird creatures.
Borrower swished his grappling hook with string and threw it, sticking it in table's surface. After he made sure it was safe, he began to climb the string up, eventually reaching the table.
He walked on the paper and began to read the biggest sentence:
- "Eviction notice". What does that mean? - he pondered loudly.
- What are you doing? - booming voice asked. Toby faced the bean standing in front of him.
- Didn't you go outside to smoke? - borrower was surprised.
- I forgot the light - Evan mumbled - But you didn't answer my question - he added.
- I saw you earlier how you were crying over this paper, so I got curious what made you sad - Toby said. He pointed at the sentence.
- But I don't know what it means - he added. Evan huffed painfully.
- I tell you, since it'll affect you and your family too. It means that I have to move out soon - he said. Toby gasped in shock.
- But why?! - he asked.
- I haven't paid rent for few months and owner got mad - man explained.
- What's the problem? Just pay him what you owe him - borrower suggested.
- I'm broke Toby, I can't do that - Evan replied.
- Huh? I thought your bakery is a success and makes profit - little guy was confused.
- Not anymore. Competitors bribed my employees to work for them. I was left all alone and I didn't cope with everything. Bakery went bankrupt because I don't have any help - man explained.
- Well... Then what are you going to do? - borrower timidly asked.
- I'll sell space where my bakery used to be and move out to another city, to start a new life - he said.
- What about us? - Toby kept asking. Man gently stroke borrower's back.
- Well, you'll have to get used to new owners of this flat - he said.
- But... But... You were so benevolent to us! You treated us like we're equal to you and not like pests! There will be no second bean like you! - Toby cried out.
- I'm sorry... But as long as I don't have anyone to help me with my bakery, there's nothing I can do about it - Evan mumbled. Borrower perked up.
- So you're saying that if there is someone to help you with running your bakery, you'll stay? - he asked.
- I guess so. But nobody answered to my announcement, so it won't work out - human replied.
- I wouldn't be so sure if I were you! Wait here, I have a plan! - Toby exclaimed and asked Evan to put him on the floor. Human obeyed. As soon as borrower's feet touched the ground, he ran off to somewhere.
- You all probably are wondering why I gathered you here - Toby said to his audience - a colony consisting of 50 borrowers.
- Well, it must something really important if you insisted that all of us have to be here - some borrower replied.
- It is a matter of utmost importance! Evan is moving out! - he said.
Borrowers were stirred up, chatting among themselves. Such news was bad one, bean helped them survive the hardest times.
- But there is a way to stop it! - Toby smiled - If we help human in his bakery, he'll stay and everything will be the way it was - borrower present a proposal.
Everyone went silent. Toby shrank back - he thought it was a good idea, so why was everybody looking at him like that?
- Are you serious? - some male borrower asked.
- Of course I am! It's the only way for him to stay! - Toby replied.
- Look at us dude. We're like 50 times smaller than a bean. Our help will go unnoticed - someone reasoned.
- And I know we've already broken the borrower code, but I don't think it'll be a good idea for other beans to see us - other borrower added.
- We don't have to be visible to other beans! We can work in the backroom, that way humans won't notice us! - Toby suggested.
- And it's true we're smaller and weaker compared to beans, but you know what? Look how many of us are here! Many weak threads together it's one strong rope! - he exclaimed and walked up to an elderly borrower.
- Peepaw, who helped you fix your aching joints selflessly and then looked after you during your recovery? - he asked.
- Evan... - borrower answered.
- That's right! - Toby replied and turned to another borrower.
- And Finn... Who gave you advice how to talk to girls? - he asked.
- Evan! - Finn said.
- Exactly! - Toby turned to woman with two little kids.
- And miss? Who fed your kids when you found out you didn't have milk? - he asked her.
- Evan - she answered.
- And mom - Toby walked up to his mother - Who saved you from a spider's web the other day? - he asked.
- Evan - Toby's mom replied.
- See? And not to mention what he had done for all of us. How he cancelled the pest control, when you were borrowing in bean neighbors' apartments. Or how he is feeding us everyday. Or how he let us using his things. Or how he taught us how to read and write. Shouldn't we do something in return? - he asked.
Borrowers agreed in unison - they'll help their bean to regain his bakery and good reputation.
Evan was fiddling with a pen in his hands, when he heard:
- I'm back and I have a surprise!
Confused man looked at the floor and became speechless. Sure, he knew that they're many borrowers living in his walls, but seeing them all together, it was pretty impressive.
Toby pointed at the crowd.
- Here! I got you incorruptible employees to save your bakery! - he boasted.
- I-it's very g-generous of y-you, but I can't-
- Are you underestimating us? - some borrower asked.
- No! Of course not! It's just... I can't expect you to work for me, I haven't done that much for you-
- Stop being so modest Evan! You saved our lives and let us live here! It's the least we can do to repay for your heart of gold! - Toby said.
Human looked at the borrowers. They all were determined to help him, despite their size.
- Well, if it's n-not much of a p-problem to you...
Toby smiled.
- So boss, what is our first task?- he asked bean.

G/T Stories
Short StoryBunch of oneshots (and not only) about folks various sizes and shapes.