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- Okay gals! We need to find villains' hideout, that's where they probably are keeping my son - Shaden said to his fellows.

- Why didn't you go to the meeting with Nightmare Plague? You would have retrieved your son and we wouldn't be here now - superhero Switcher noticed.

- I'm sure that wicked villain had set some trap. Otherwise, why would he want to meet one-on-one? - hero replied.

- Sinner Force is just a gang of kiddos who like to rob and cause small ruckus. They have no intention to actually hurt anybody - Mister W said.

- How would you know that?! - other hero, called Electric Wasp asked.

- Uhmm hello? Memory Access, does that ring a bell? - superhero answered.

- Ah of course! The most useless power in the world, which apparently is failing too! - Shaden smirked at the hero. Mister W kept silent.

- Anyways boys - Shaden turned to the rest of the group - We need to locate them as fast as possible, who knows what those monsters will do to my son? - he cried out. Heroes murmured sadly.

- We should do it with an old, proven way: If we were villains, where would we have our hideout? - hero Dragonloom suggested.

All of heroes (except for Mister W who simply rolled his eyes) agreed it was a wonderful idea and they proceed to think.

Their hard work was interrupted by knocking on the door and shout: "Pizza delivery!".

Shaden got up from the table and walked up to the front door. He opened them and saw the pizza guy with their order.

- It will be 50 dollars sir! - man said. Shaden pulled wallet out of his pocket and having grabbed the banknote shoved it in pizza guy's hand and took the boxes from him. Man frowned.

- And tip? - he asked.

- What about it? - Shaden asked nonchalantly.

- Come on, are you really so cheap that you regret one dollar for a guy who drove your pizza through the city, which could easily be picked up by yourself? - man couldn't believe this guy.

- You should be grateful that you got the privilege to deliver pizza to the best heroes in the city. Now go, I'm sure you still have a lot of deliveries to do - hero replied and just as he was about to go back to the table, he heard pizza guy's mumbling:

- Supposedly the villains are the bad guys, but at least they give me a big tip.

Pizza boxes slid from Shaden's hands. He pounced at the man and having pulled him inside, pinned him down.

- You deliver pizza to villains too? So you must know where they have their hideout, right? - he asked. Pizza guy gulped, but said:

- Yes I do, but what makes you think that I'll spill the beans?

- Do you know what can be the consequences of cooperating with the villains? - Shaden asked pizza guy.

- I'm not cooperating with them, I just deliver pizza to them - man replied.

- Well, we can convince police the otherwise - hero warned.

- Try all you want, I won't tell you! - pizza guy snarled.

- Then we'll have to bring out the big guns. I'm sure you have a family, right? - Shaden smiled devilishly. Man raised his eyebrow.

- What this has to do with them? - he asked.

- It would be a pity if something happened to them... Or you - hero said. Pizza guy turned pale.

- You wouldn't dare! You're heroes, it's scandalous of you to even think about it! - he growled.

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