Phoebe was getting up, she needed to make breakfast for her son, before she goes to work.
As she was passing by his bedroom, she heard a loud crack and thud. Worried, she knocked on the door.
- Ronan? What's going on there? - she asked.
- Nothing! I just tripped over my legs and dumped few books accidentally - deep, hoarse voice replied. Phoebe got confused.
- What's wrong with your voice? Is it changing already? - she asked.
- Huh? Oh yeah! Yeah! That's totally why I sound like this - her son said.
- My baby is growing so fast! Come, let me hug you-!
- NO! - Ronan roared, causing Phoebe to jump a little.
- I mean... No, I really don't feel good... You know what? You can go make breakfast and as soon as I clean myself up I'll join you - he said.
"His hormones are full roar" Phoebe thought and went downstairs to the kitchen, intending on preparing a tasty breakfast for both of them.
It's been half an hour and Ronan didn't come downstairs. Concerned about him, woman took Vocaler from the medicine cabinet and headed to her son's room. She entered it without knocking.
- Here I brought you some... - she stopped and dropped the packaging, having seen what was in front of her.
Ronan was almost naked, had only spandex shorts on. Torn clothes were laying all around him, his bed was crushed under his huge palm. His nails were replaced with claws, his teeth became razor sharp, two swirly horns were growing out of his head, long crocodile-like tail knocked down the bookshelf, his skin turned into scales and he had now vertical slit pupils as in viper.
- Mom, what are you doing? Go, before I hurt you! - he snarled.
- So you did inherite it? - she mumbled, but teen heard it anyway.
- WHAT?! - he roared and got bigger, was now almost bursting his bedroom.
- Ronan, you need to calm down! I'll tell you everything, but if you don't calm down, you'll destroy our house! - she said, seeing how plaster was falling from the ceiling.
- How am I suppose to calm down?! - he asked furiously, his horns were already stuck in the ceiling.
- Just close your eyes and listen to my voice - she said softly. Ronan did as asked.
- Imagine that you're laying on the beach during a beautiful, sunny day. Can you hear sound of the sea? It's very relaxing, right? And the breeze - it's gently grazed your cheeks, cooling you down - she said in mesmerizing voice.
Ronan's muscles relaxed and his heartbeat got slower. His body shrunk to normal proportions, but his reptile features didn't dissapear. He opened his eyes and sighed in relief, seeing that he's not gigantic anymore, but soon frowned, realizing that he still had scales, horns and tail.
He stood up and walked up to his mother, then he loomed over her, looking at her expectantly.
- So? What's going on with my body? - he asked.
They were now sitting at the table, Phoebe was taking out things of a large cardboard box, putting them next to it. Ronan was taking them in his hands, but he didn't understand much how were they connected with his freaky metamorphosis.

G/T Stories
Short StoryBunch of oneshots (and not only) about folks various sizes and shapes.