"I'm the destroyer, destroyer, I will not be your slave!" Rían's favorite song blasted in his armoured campervan. He didn't know where he should drive to, he only wanted to find any other survivors.
He still clearly remembered the day of the outbreak. He remembered the panic of his family and how just seconds later they were attacked by zombified people. He was the only to survive, he hated himself for this.
But, he didn't kill his infected family. He closed them in the basement, so that they won't kill anyone and won't be killed. He decided that as soon as the cure is invented, he'll take it and help his family come back to normal.
Suddenly, fuel light turned red, indicating that man needs to refuel his campervan. Luckily, man saw a sign of a gas station not much earlier.
Soon enough, his eyes met the said building and Rían stopped by the gas pump. He got out of the safe campervan and having opened it's tank, refueled it. He then thought of taking more in case of lack of gas stations during his journey, so he went inside his refuge and took few canisters.
Just as he was filling them up, he noticed few zombies in the distance, who were behaving weird. They were on all fours and seemed to chase something.
Intrigued man took pocket binoculars out and having put them to his eyes, adjusted their vision to see what was going on there. His jaw dropped, for he couldn't believe his eyes.
He saw how a small and pregnant lady was trying to lose gigantic monsters stalking her, but it was going badly - zombies were only few inches away from her.
Driven by a heart, Rían pulled a gun out of his pocket and rushed to the rescue.
Grace's legs ached from running for hours, but dead beans didn't want to give up their meal. It was traumatizing enough to see her husband becoming a snack to them, she didn't want to suffer the same fate. Especially that she wasn't alone.
Suddenly, she tripped over her own legs and fell on her belly, screaming from pain. She quickly turned around, dead beans were close to her, baring their teeth at her. She curled up, awaiting for death, when suddenly she heard a loud whistle and louder:
- Yo, Uglyfaces!
And then few shots rumbled in the air. Borrower gasped, seeing how one dead bean lifelessly fell an inch from her.
It then was brutally kicked away from her and another bean crouched down near her. Grace sighed quietly in relief, it was a normal human. Of two evils, it was better being crushed or being kept as bean's pet than being eaten by dead ones.
- Are you okay miss? - human asked her.
- W-why did y-you s-save m-me? - she stuttered.
- Why wouldn't I? You're a human being, I suppose, and in these trying times we should help each other - he replied - Now, can I take you to my campervan? It's zombie-proof and I can make us something to eat - he added.
Grace thought over all pros and cons of bean's proposition and decided that even if he's tricking her to torture her, it would be better to die with full stomach.
- O-okay, just p-please, be g-gentle - she said, patting her belly.
Rían slowly scooped her up in his hands and then went back to gas station where his vehicle was parked.

G/T Stories
Short StoryBunch of oneshots (and not only) about folks various sizes and shapes.