- Where is mommy? - Hazel asked, while covering her eyes with hands. When she heard a confused gurgling, she uncovered them and exclaimed:
- Here she is!
Giant baby squealed happily and gently pulled his tiny mom closer.
It's been a year, since Keelan and Hazel found the giant baby and took it under their wings. When they found out that baby was a boy, they named him Fergus.
Fergus turned out to be an easy-going baby. He wasn't throwing any tantrums, he wasn't sticking everything he got in his hands to his mouth, he was a calm, quiet and shy baby.
His foster parents also breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that he quickly comprehended how strong he was and learned how to be gently, to avoid hurting his parents.
There was one issue about him, namely he was too curious. Couple often stumbled upon him crawling near the main road, few times he got almost seen by others. One time he nearly drowned in the river flowing near his cave.
- Alright, it's high time to feed that behemoth of a child - Keelan joked, entering the cave, carrying two large milk churns.
- Do not call my sweet Fergus like that! - Hazel snarled, fiddling with giant's fingers.
- You know it was just a little joke, I love him just as much as you do, if not more - man replied.
- In your dreams! - she said and walked away from her child to take ladder and then she put it in front of Fergus.
Man put down churns and went up the ladder, he then motioned at Hazel to give him one milk can. Woman obeyed and as soon as Keelan opened the churn, he said to baby:
- Okay big guy, open your mouth!
Fergus eagerly listened to his father and soon was greedily emptying the churn.
- Slow now, otherwise you'll choke on it - Keelan murmured.
They did the same with the second milk can and then man climbed on baby's shoulder and having lean in, he gently patted his back. Fergus burped.
- There you go buddy - man said and slid down the huge body.
- You know Keelan, there's something about Fergus that's worrying me - Hazel said, approaching her husband.
- What is it blueberry? - man asked, putting his hands around her hips.
- Fergus is old enough to start toddling, but he's still crawling - she answered.
- Well my dear, every child is different, besides why should he start walking, when things which actually interest him are here on the ground? - Keelan replied and pointed to Fergus, who's eyes were glued to the couple.
- So you're saying that he's still crawling, because we're low in comparison to him? - she wanted to make sure.
- Yes, most precisely - he said, being now lightly poked by his son.
- But don't worry! I've already come up with a plan how to encourage him to stand up and walk - Keelan said and pointed at the tree.
Fergus woke up from his nap and yawned. Now he regained his energy to play with parents again.
He immediately scanned the area around him, but couldn't find them anywhere. Worried baby sat up to extend his sightlines, but all for nothing. They weren't anywhere close.
- Mama? Dada? - child called, being at the brink of tears.
- We're here cupcake! - voice called the baby. Fergus whipped his head in the direction where it came from and saw his parents among the branches, waving at him.
- Mama! Dada! - child cried and crawled to the tree. He then tried to reach his parents, but he was too low. Grunting, he embraced the tree and wobbly stood up.
- Yay! Good job sprout! - Keelan praised the baby.
- But now let's see if you can catch up with us! - Hazel said and having took her husband by his hand, took a run-up and they both landed on another tree.
Fergus clumsily walked to it, first steps weren't easy. He then clutched onto it and tried to grab at least one of his parents.
- Nope big guy! - Keelan teased and they again leaped on another tree.
They repeated the process few times, until Fergus had enough. He flopped onto his butt and began to wail loudly.
Couple's enthusiasm faltered, seeing how their son got exhausted with walking lessons. They quickly got down and rushed to their baby. They hugged him tenderly.
- Sorry Fergus, we took it a little too far - Keelan said.
- Don't cry baby, it's making me sad seeing that you're sad - Hazel added.
As if on cue, baby stopped crying and giggled softly, seeing that he got what he wanted.
- You little manipulator - man murmured, being now held by his gigantic son.
Hazel looked at the sky, which was turning orange. It's high time for them to go to the town and for baby to go to sleep.
- Keelan, it's time to put Fergus to sleep - she said.
- Got it - man replied and looked at his son.
- Hey buddy, do you want a lullaby? - he asked. Child visibly brightened up.
- Lully! - he shouted excitedly and put his dad down.
Couple led him to his cave and then covered him with blanket made out of many animal skins. Keelan walked to his guitar and having took it in his hands, he began to play. Soon Hazel joined him, singing a song.
Fergus quickly fell asleep. Couple left the cave, having previously bid their son a good night and turned their footsteps towards the town.

G/T Stories
Short StoryBunch of oneshots (and not only) about folks various sizes and shapes.