1. Moving In

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Yoongi put last box on the floor, next to dozen others and sighed relieved. They were finally done emptying his car and now all his and Sumi's belongings were situated in the living room of his new apartment the alpha was renting.

"Yay, that was final box!" Jungkook cheered and leaned against the door catching his breath. Kims insisted on helping with moving in. So while alphas took care of the luggage, Jin went to bring Sumi home after her first day in new school. Yoongi was away from his daughter just for few hours, but he already missed her like a madman. The alpha couldn't wait to bring his little princess in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry about the elevator. No one warned me it wouldn't be working today." Yoongi said sheepishly. Three of them had to suffer unnecessarily, when it could have been avoided if someone told him about the delay. But now Namjoon had cleared his schedule just to be there, so he couldn't simply turn around and leave.

"It's okay uncle Yoongi." Jungkook replied immediately with excitement mingling in his voice. "I would definitely not be able to stay home and wait for your elevator to be fixed. I'm dying to see Sumi. It has been more than five months since I last saw her!"

"Kid, stop calling me uncle, it makes me feel really old." Yoongi told him, passing the boy and going to the kitchen where Seokjin left ton of food for him and Sumi.

"But you are kinda of old..." Jungkook mumbled under his nose and shrugged his shoulders, taking out phone and texting his classmates.

Namjoon patted his son's head before joining his friend who was checking dishes the omega had prepared.

"Wah, man... Your mate really outdid himself. I don't think we have ever had this amount of homemade food! Please thank him for me and Sumi." He said with a wide gummy smile, his pheromones sweetening in appreciation as the room filled with his rich woodsy scent. His smile only widened as he imagined his daughter enjoying all her favorite dishes.

"You know it isn't a big deal." Namjoon said sincerely, his alpha puffing chest with pride that their mate was praised. "Jin is ready to carry here food three times a week if you let him. He's so worried that you don't feed Sumi properly."

"Hey! Sumi hasn't starved a day in her life and she never will! I'm taking wonderful care of my baby girl and always make sure that she's well fed." Yoongi said defensively. Well, it wasn't his fault that he wasn't as wonderful chef as Seokjin, but he always tried!

"Still, just keep the offer in your mind."

Yoongi nodded, but both alphas already knew that if Seokjin wanted to do something, there was no stopping of him. So if the omega wanted Yoongi's fridge fully stocked with his mouthwatering dishes, no one would be able to stand on his way.

"But you would have made my omega's life easier if you moved closer to our apartment. You know how determined he's to take care of you and Sumi. He won't stop unless you get mated and-"

"Jeez, Joon... Could we not talk about this, please?" Yoongi nearly whined as his friend brought up his least favorite topic. Ever since his ex-wife left him and Sumi, that's the only thing he had been hearing from everyone: his parents, friends, colleagues...

You should get mated Yoongi...

Think about your daughter, she needs omega parent...

You're amazing alpha, you'll easily find a mate, Yoongi-ah. I have a friend whose daughter is a wonderful omega...

If you don't care about yourself, think about how lonely will be Sumi without omega in her life. Who is gonna teach her all the basics....

Yoongi was fed with their advices. In fact, they had no idea how hard Yoongi tried not to make his daughter feel that she was missing out on something. He knew that alpha wouldn't be able to replace omega parent in girl's life, but he wasn't going to take risk and let outsider in their family. What if they ended up hurting his Sumi? She was very affectionate little girl and could easily get her feelings hurt. Yoongi's alpha would go feral if anyone ever made his daughter cry.

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