12. Powerless

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Yoongi was trying to heat up food when he heard shouting and screaming voices coming from outside. The male instantly ran out to be met with heart breaking picture. Hoseok was crumbled on the earth, while his half-naked alpha hovered above him. Omega was a sobbing mess and Daehyun didn't seem to be affected by it at all. He mockingly looked down at his mate.

"Stop exaggerating everything. You didn't actually think that I'd be loyal to you after everything, did you? If so, then you're stupid piece of-"

"What's your problem?" Yoongi pushed the man away and he stumbled, landing on his ass with a hiss. "What did you do to him?"

"Fuck off. Its none of your business." Daehyun warned him as he got up.

Yoongi crouched in front of Hoseok, not paying mind to alpha. The male was in terrible condition. He couldn't control his breath and sobs. The omega had hand placed over his heart, which clearly sent unbearable waves of pain through his system.

"What the fuck did you do?" Yoongi turned to alpha again, ready to pounce on male for Hoseok's condition.

"Nothing that would be concerning y-"

"Dae?" Yoongi's head snapped to a woman that stood in the door with a white sheet covering her naked body. Hoseok let out pained howl when he saw her and buried face in palms.

Yoongi just wanted to kill alpha. Right then and there.

"Stop embarrassing yourself omega. I'm fucking tired of you." Daehyun told his mate, but Yoongi wasn't having it. He slammed the male against wall, growling at him as his eyes shifted red. His alpha wanted to make him pay for hurting omega so bad.

"You cheating asshole, don't you dare to talk to him like that."

"No, let him go!" The female omega ran towards them, beating Yoongi with her small fists. The alpha effortlessly pushed her away making her fall with a cry. But he couldn't care less because she did this to Hoseok as well.

"Never come near him again. You don't deserve omega like Hoseok." He let alpha go only because Hoseok needed him more at that moment. Omega had troubles breathing, he seemed to be having panic attack.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you have no right to tell me what to do with my mate! He's useless omega who couldn't even protect his pup-"

"What did you just say?" That was it. Nothing was going to save this dickhead alpha now.

"S-stop it, just stop." Hoseok helplessly covered his ears and pleaded his mate to stop.

"He told you to shut the fuck up." Yoongi spat in his face, covering Hoseok's trembling figure with his own body. "Shhh, it's okay, Hoba. Breath with me. Listen only to my voice..."

"Jeez, can you be more pathetic, Hoseok?" Daehyun said with scoff. He then wrapped arm around female's waist. "I'm going to finish what I've been doing before you rudely interrupted me. Hope you'll come to your senses soon. Let's go baby." With that he went back inside with his slut, leaving his mate to suffer from the betrayal.

What an asshole!!!! Yoongi was furious.

"Hoba, please look at me." He cupped omega's face who just kept silently crying. Yoongi's heart tore to pieces. He didn't want to see so much pain on male's face. Hoseok was too pure, he didn't deserve it.

"Come on, let's get you inside." He scooped up male bridal style and carried him in his apartment. Hoseok buried face in his neck as he kept sobbing uncontrollably.

Yoongi covered them both with his calming pheromones. He sat the male on the couch and started rubbing his back in soothing manner, since Hoseok wasn't letting him go. His arms were still wrapped around alpha's neck and he greedily inhaled his fresh forest scent that did wonders to him. His omega was still in terrible pain, but Yoongi's pheromones did sooth him a little. At least now he understood where he was and what was happening.

Hoseok slowly untangled his hands and averted gaze on the floor. His heart literally felt torn to pieces. Last time he felt this broken was when he lost his daughter.

"Hey, look at me." Yoongi lifted his head up, looking at omega with so much care, no alpha had ever showed him. He tenderly wiped his cheeks from tears and kept looking at him as if he was the most precious thing in the world. "It's okay to cry. Let it all out now and never cry about him again. Because he isn't worth even a single tear. Not from you."

The omega nodded and hung his head low. Yoongi brought him to his chest, whispering to him that it would be okay.

"He.... he.... My own mate...." Hoseok incoherently talked with trembling voice and clutched to Yoongi.

"I know. I know..." Yoongi couldn't hold back his own tears. Seeing omega like this upset him to no extent. As if he could physically feel Hoseok's pain. He was hurting just like omega.

They stayed like that for a long time, until Hoseok finally fell asleep completely drained. Even after that Yoongi didn't leave him. He let omega rest against him while his alpha kept soothing the male with his pheromones.

Hoseok kept whimpering even in his sleep, but Yoongi was there to whisper to him assuringly that everything would be okay, that he was safe, that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to him anymore.

And that was all omega needed to hear.


A/N: I hate angst part in books, but it's inevitable💔

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