42. Losing Control (M)

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Hoseok woke up surrounded by thick scent of the forest. It was nothing like what he had ever inhaled before. Omega wanted to drown in the alluring scent, his wolf was whimpering, ready to submit to their alpha completely. Mouthwatering pheromones affected Hoseok's whole system, making him slick up. He was already drunk on the scent.

Hoseok knew his mate's rut had started.

The alpha was spooning him and Hoseok felt his hot breath hitting his nape. He tried to quietly move away and unwrap Yoongi's hand from his waist but as soon as he tried lifting alpha's arm, he heard a low growl.

Hoseok turned his head only to be met with Yoongi's red eyes watching him attentively. He sheepishly smiled at him, fully turning around his body.

"Good morning alpha, how do you feel? Are you hurting? When did you wake up?"

"Not so long ago. Couldn't bring myself to wake up such sleeping beauty." Hoseok's cheeks dusted pink. Yoongi leaned, kissing his mate's rosy lips. "My rut began early morning. It's around ten now."

"Oh my God. Why did you wake me up? You must be in so much pain!" Hoseok exclaimed worriedly, cupping his mate's face and straddling him. He still wore nothing except of alpha's shirt over his naked body.

"I worked you so well last night. Wanted to give you some time to regain your energy. Today is gonna be a really, really long day." Yoongi thrust his hips up, making omega gasp. Hoseok quickly pulled alpha's boxers down his legs, baring his rock hard erection to his hungry eyes.

"Are you really not hurting at all?" Hoseok asked confused. He was surprised by Yoongi's ability to control himself. As he knew alphas were unable to think clearly during their rut. They let their primary instincts to mate and breed omega, take over.

"Oh, trust me Hoba, control over myself is something that I barely have right now. It took me everything not to slide inside your pretty puckered hole and fuck living lights out of you. But I've spent so many ruts alone, I somehow can hold back. I really doubt this will last long though..." His hands traveled under the shirt, parting omega's ass and circling his soaking rim.

Hoseok would have been embarrassed how much slick he had already produced, but his body was getting ready to assist his mate in a rut. He badly ached to feel his cock inside.

"Don't hold back alpha. Use me as you wish. I know I'll enjoy this just as much." Hoseok gave him green light.

"Hmmm, gonna be buried inside you twenty-four-seven." Yoongi whispered to him seductively, trialing soft kisses all over male's neck. Omega whimpered, just as eager and excited. "Gonna knot you so many times, you'll lose count baby."

"Yes, please!" Hoseok moaned, closing his eyes and letting Yoongi ease him on his throbbing erection. His hole pleasantly pulsed around him, making remains of Yoongi's sanity to vanish. His alpha took over and there was no going back now. He held Hoseok's hips and slammed into him upward, making the most erotic sound's leave omega's parted lips.

Yoongi's lips latched on his mating mark possessively, leaving small bites all around it. Hoseok's body naturally opened for alpha, letting him go deeper and deeper with every thrust.

Yoongi's eyes shone bright red as he kept hammering inside his mate fast and hard. Omega bared neck in submission, letting out more alluring pheromones than usual to be more desired and delectable to his alpha. Not that he needed much, Yoongi's gaze wasn't leaving his beautiful omega's face at all.

Yoongi felt pain and pleasure mix perfectly, with the latter overpowering his senses. His eyes kept trialing to a pretty mark on his omega's neck.


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