13. Putting an End

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Hoseok woke up from the feeling of warm sunrays falling on his face. The delicious scent of kimchi and bossam hit his nostrils and he hummed satisfied. However, when he fluttered his eyes open, the male discovered that he was in unfamiliar room. He was sprawled on the couch with a purple duvet on top of him, which smelled like Sumi. He gladly inhaled girl's sweet scent and looked around.

The omega was in a living room. Like in all modern apartments, kitchen was in the same space. A particular alpha was frying rice and kimchi in there as his back faced omega.

The memories of previous night crashed on Hoseok and he felt a painful pang inside his chest, but the male couldn't bring himself to start crying again. He didn't think any tears were left in his system anymore.

Omega slowly approached Yoongi and shyly took a seat next to counter. He curiously watched the way alpha handled breakfast preparations.

"Good morning, teacher Jung." He said without turning around and made Hoseok flinch who didn't expect it.

"Good morning." He said with hoarse voice. Yoongi finally looked at him, studying his puffy face. Hoseok didn't need to be told that he looked terrible after bawling his eyes out previous night. He already knew it.

"Are you feeling at least a tiny bit better today?"

Omega nodded. "I think so. My chest still hurts, but... I'll be better. I want to be better."

"You will. I promise." Yoongi said with a small smile and placed a mouth-watering dish in front of him. "I thought that you'd be hungry and prepared this. I understand if you don't have an appetite, but in case you do..."

"Thank you. I'm starving." Omega said sheepishly and brought hot rice and pork belly to his mouth. He tried his best not to think about what he witnessed previous night, but flashbacks kept invading his mind. His omega couldn't get over their mate's betrayal, it was like the deepest wound on his heart.

"Hey, it's alright." Yoongi placed hand over Hoseok's when he stopped eating and just stared at the plate with glassy eyes.

"I don't know what to do. All this time I was tolerating his behavior because he was my mate, but I can't keep being with him after yesterday. What am I supposed to do now? I have nowhere to go."

"You can stay here as much as you want-"

"No, I can't. You're my student's parent. I can't just use your kindness and live here." Hoseok ran hand through his hair as he thought about other possibilities. "I think I'll stay with Jimin and his mate for while. Until I figure out what to do next." He searched for his phone to call his friend and failed to notice Yoongi's upset gaze.

"Who is Jimin?" The alpha asked.

"He's teacher in our school and my friend."

"Will you be safe at his place?"

"Yes, of course. Jimin's mate is a wonderful alpha. I'll never be in danger in their home." He left to dial his friend's number and Yoongi just watched him from afar as he talked on the phone. He wanted Hoseok to stay, but he knew that omega had no reason to do so. They basically were strangers to each other and it would be odd if Sumi's teacher started living with them out of blue.

"What did he say?" He asked omega when he came back.

"I didn't explain what happened yet, I just asked if I could stay at his place for a while. He instantly agreed. I'll tell him everything later." Hoseok said with a sigh as he plopped down and continued eating.

"So, you have made up your mind about Daehyun, right? You won't be going back to him again."

"No. I can't forgive him."

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