24. Only Beginning

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First week of divorced omega passed in an eye blink. Hoseok and Yoongi often met each other. Be it at school or after. The alpha took it on himself to drive Hoseok back home when he was picking up his daughter.

The omega became even more shy than he was before. He was just trying to hide his painfully obvious crush on Yoongi. Considering the way his legs usually went jelly at one whiff of the alpha's scent, it wasn't such easy job. Not to mention the way his scent always sweetened around him.

Fuck, it looked like omega was totally falling for this man. And to be honest, he couldn't be more excited about it.

"Hey great news! Tomorrow we're hosting dinner and expect our new friends to come over!" Jimin entered Hoseok's room without the knock as usual and plopped on the bed with a satisfied smile.

"What do you mean?" Hoseok who was going through his students homework put aside the papers and looked at his friend curiously.

"Dress up in your best outfit, Hobi. I invited Yoongi, Sumi and Seokjin's family. They all agreed to come."

"What? Since when are you so close with... any of them?" Hoseok asked confused.

"Are you kidding? I'm texting Jin every day."


"Of course. We're like besties now. He's so much fun! I love talking to him."

"Yeah, he's great." Hoseok agreed sincerely. He loved the company of older omega as well. Jin was so outgoing and pleasant person to be around.

"So, prepare for tomorrow. Your alpha will also be here with his adorable pup."

"Hey, he isn't my... don't call him my alpha." Hoseok whined even though his omega possessively howled in his head, pleased that someone called Yoongi his.

"Yeah, sure thing Hobi..." Jimin said with clear sarcasm, not believing his words. After all, he knew it better than anyone how possessive creatures were omegas. At the beginning of their relationship with Taehyung, he barely let any other omega near his alpha, ready to fight any bitch who would throw him challenge and try to take Tae away from him.

"Okay, once you're done with work, come down and let's come up with menu for tomorrow, alright?" Jimin changed the subject. His friend nodded, excited to get to it already.


The Sunday evenings were Hoseok's favorite. As anyone else, he loved weekend but that particular Sunday was special. He would spend it with his newly acquired friends and he couldn't wait for it. He and Jimin spent whole morning on the kitchen preparing something delicious for guests, while Taehyung was busy entertaining boys.

Kims came early. Seokjin brought lots of snacks from his end, making Minsu's eyes widen as saucers when he saw a bag full of his favorite chocolates and candies.

"Thank you, I'm so happy that you made it." Jimin tightly hugged the older and then welcomed his mate. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"Likewise." Namjoon accepted omega's handshake with a dimpled smile.

"Where is Jungkook?" Jin looked around, only now noticing that it was just two of them. "Did you fall asleep while you were getting of the car? What takes you so long?" He called his son from the doorway.

"I'm coming dad..." The boy ran inside with a disheveled look and wide bunny smile. He bowed to Jimin and Taehyung who appeared the same time the boy did. "Hello."

"Hi. I'm happy to see you, Jungkook. Guys, this is my mate, Taehyung." After round of greetings and introductions they all headed inside.

Hoseok happily greeted them with his wide smile. They chatted for a while until the doorbell rang again and Jimin ushered his best friend to go and open it. Hoseok welcomed his most awaited guests.

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