2. New Student

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The Monday morning started as usual for Hoseok. Except of that there was a new student in his class. Taehyung told the omega news in the morning, before Hoseok headed to first lesson.

Min Sumi.

It was unusual for elementary school students to transfer in the middle of term, but there must have been some special circumstances. Either way, Hoseok was going to be as welcoming as possible to make her feel comfortable at new place. He knew how scared and timid pups felt among unfamiliar people.

"Good morning, class." The omega said once he entered classroom.

"Good morning, Teacher Jung!" They replied in unison, everyone taking their respective seats.

Hoseok instantly noticed a new face. A girl sat right in front of his table, on the first desk of the row. Her long black hair was cutely tied in a pony tail and her eyes were fixated on the omega. He weakly smiled at her, before shushing the students.

"As you have already noticed, you have an addition to your class. Sumi, please introduce yourself to your classmates." He told the girl sweetly, who nodded and slowly stood up as if not really anticipating being the center of attention.

"H-hello." The girl bowed to the class, gulping down as she felt all eyes on her. "I am Min Sumi and I'm seven."

She played with her fingers, not sure what else to say.

"Do you have any hobbies, Sumi?" Hoseok asked her with genuine interest in his voice, making the girl relax a little bit. She timidly nodded and focused attention on the omega as she talked.

"Well, I like baking with my dad on weekends and I also love watching cartoons with him."

"That's wonderful, Sumi. You can take your seat now." The girl did as told, relieved. "Alright, let's proceed with our lesson."

Hoseok always tried to make math class as fun as possible. He asked some trivial questions and Sumi pleasantly surprised the omega with her knowledge. She quickly calculated in her head and got all three questions right. The omega couldn't help but notice the excitement in her eyes and voice when she had an answer. It was really cute view. Her eyes disappeared every time Hoseok handed her a candy and her scent bloomed, dominating others.

When the bell rang, everyone cheered, except of Sumi, who frowned instead. Hoseok fondly smiled at that. He waited for other students to leave for a break to have a chat with a little girl.

"Did you like our lesson, Sumi?" The girl's face lit up when the teacher addressed her. She instantly stood up, approaching his table.

"Yes, teacher Jung! I enjoyed it very much!" She exclaimed, beaming at the male. "Thank you for chocolate candies! They're my dad's favorite. But you can have one. As a gratitude for the best lesson in my life." She put one chocolate on his table with the most adorable smile ever. Omega's heart nearly melted at her sweet gesture. His pheromones involuntarily shifted in air. The omega inside him felt giddy for some reason.

"I have plenty of those, Sumi. But thank you for being so thoughtful. I really appreciate it." He patted her head. "Since you were such a smart girl today, I'll give you one more as a bonus. Would you like that?"

"Yes!" The girl nodded head enthusiastically. "Then I'll give one to Kookie, two to my uncles and one to my dad! Teacher Jung, do you think I can tell my dad that I answered four questions instead of 3? He'd be so happy to hear that!"

Hoseok barely held himself back from pinching her squishy cheeks. He usually found all pups adorable and cute, but Sumi was just definition of cuteness with her naturally pouty lips and sparkling doe eyes. His lips curved up in his signature warm smile.

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