20. Scary Future

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The next day Hoseok went at Yoongi's office as usual. That morning he grabbed additional lunch box which he had prepared for him. He was lowkey nervous because that would be the first time for alpha to eat food prepared by him. The omega wanted to leave good first impression and show Yoongi that he was a great cook.

"Good afternoon." He went inside without a knock. Yoongi always made sure that he was free during lunch time so two of them wouldn't be interrupted.

"Hello, Hobi. How are you doing?"

"Not bad. What about you?"

"Great." I missed you. Alpha cleared his throat and pointed at the seat, telling Hoseok to take it.

"Have you already ordered lunch?" Hoseok asked hoping to hear no.

Yoongi's alpha saw through him and practically ordered the male to say no. He felt that it would please their omega.

So, basically Yoongi's wolf had already claimed Hoseok as his. The male had no idea when it happened, but that wasn't even surprising. He felt it the moment he laid eyes on omega and inhaled his scent. The game was over for him then and there.

"Not really. I was going to do it now."

"Oh, then you don't have to. I've brought something for you. I made it this morning. I don't know your preferences, but I hope you'll like it." He placed a container with fried rice and pork belly kimchi in front of alpha.

"It looks delicious! Thank you." Yoongi took a bite, impatient to taste what has omega prepared for him. His alpha was rolling on the ground happy that their omega had thought about them.

Hoseok's scent spiked in anticipation at Yoongi's reaction and his lips curved in a radiant smile when the male hummed with a nod and kept munching on his food. His omega was on cloud nine that they managed to please alpha.

"How did Sumi sleep last night? She seemed good today, just a little bit jumpy."

"She slept by my side, refused leaving my bed. I cuddled her whole night, scented her. Her wolf calms down in instant when she's surrounded by my scent."

"I'm glad to hear that." I wish I was there.

How much Hoseok would give just to cuddle with Sumi for a whole night. To have her small warm body pressed against his and listen to her cute snorts. That sounded like a dream.

"Thank you for lunch. It was wonderful." Yoongi told him after finishing everything in less then 10 minutes. He indeed enjoyed the food.

"You're welcome. I'll make you more tomorrow." Hoseok ducked his head to hide his pink cheeks. He hadn't blushed that much in his entire life as he did after meeting Yoongi.

"Thank you omega, I appreciate it." Yoongi told him with a hint of smile, which soon got replaced with serious expression once he remembered something. "I wanted to discuss one more thing with you before trial."

"What is it?" Hoseok got nervous at the mention of trial.

"Your apartment. You said that Daehyun is the owner and unfortunately, in that case, you'll be left with nothing. But this morning I remembered one new law. It says that if the property was purchased during marriage then couple should split it in half after divorce. So I need to know how was it in your case."

"Actually it was a gift from our parents. They bought this house for us when we got married."

"It happened after the marriage, correct?"

"Yes, they surprised us with it when we returned from... from our... honeymoon." Hoseok said last word with odd feeling of guilt. Little did he know the way Yoongi's alpha bared his fangs inside the male's head, wanting nothing more than just to finish what he had started previous day.

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