19. Feral

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In the early morning the first thing Hoseok's omega registered was musky scent of forest that cocooned him. He pleasantly stretched in warm bed with yawn and greedily inhaled the alpha's smell. Memories of previous day flashed in his mind one after another and he shyly smiled, rolling around with a squeal. His omega still shuddered from the memory of alpha's soft lips on his scent gland.

He didn't remember the last time he felt anything similar. It was the most wonderful feeling ever.

Hoseok left the bed much to his dissatisfaction. Oh, how much his omega wished to stay there just a little bit longer. But part of Hoseok felt guilty for such thoughts. He still had a mate and the worst part was that even after divorce he'd remain being Daehyun's mate.

Meantime, Yoongi was young, handsome and kind alpha. Any omega who ended up with him would be lucky. Why would he even look at omega bound to another man? He didn't need someone used and broken when he could literally have anyone.

Silly omega, breaking your heart over alpha who is out of your league.

Just because Yoongi was kind to him, didn't mean anything. He probably pitied Hoseok for everything he had gone through. But at the end of the day, no alpha would choose omega marked by another.

Hoseok's omega whined inside him, unhappy with his thoughts. It wasn't a secret that his wolf fancied alpha, especially after doing so much for them. But Hoseok couldn't help insecurities that ate him alive. In the world where they lived, everyone looked down on omegas in general. Let alone divorced ones. Of course they were blamed for being bad mates. It was always their fault and never alphas'.

Omegas had to put up with everyone's prejudices. It was so unfair, but there was nothing Hoseok could do to change people's mindset.

Yoongi isn't like everyone else. He's genuine. Hoseok's omega argued with him. Their sweet scent dulled as omega unwillingly changed back to his own clothes.

Despite everything, one thing that just made both Hoseok and his omega giddy was that he was soaked in alpha's scent. The male profoundly blushed at some unholy thoughts coming from his shameless omega. He shrugged him off with a shake of his head and left the bedroom after glancing at it one more time.

He had neatly made the bed and placed Yoongi's shorts and hoodie on it. The room smelled like mixture of them and Hoseok couldn't help but proudly purr at it. He wanted to leave traces of his presence. Didn't want it to just vanish in a thin air.

"Good morning, Hobi!" Sumi attacked him nearly the same moment Hoseok stepped outside. It seemed like the girl had just woke up as well. She looked like she had a nest on her head and she wore her cute bunny onesie. Yoongi must have changed it for her once omega went to bed.

"Good morning baby."

"Mmmh! You smell like dad!" She exclaimed happily, unaware of the effect it had on Hoseok. His cheeks tinted pink and he barely held back a wide smile. "It's perfect." Sumi nuzzled his neck, taking in their perfectly mixed smell.

New favorite scent unlocked.

The girl squealed solemnly happy and pecked omega's cheek quickly before running to her dad, who was silently watching them from the kitchen counter. He had three glasses of juice and plates placed in front of him. The pile of freshly baked pancakes on the counter made Hoseok's mouth water at the sight.

"Good morning, alpha." He approached the male with a heart-warming smile and took a free seat. He loved the way Yoongi's ear perked up at alpha, but he played it cool, as if not noticing.

"Did you sleep well, omega?"

Hoseok's heart skipped a beat.

"Yes, thank you." He said shyly and placed one pancake on his plate. Sumi just cluelessly watched their bit weird interaction. Hoseok sat in front of her dad, while she was seated next to her teacher. The girl kept chewing her pancake as she wondered why was her dad watching her teacher so attentively, while latter wasn't lifting up his head from the plate. Sumi also couldn't really understand why was Hobi's face red. Was it that hot in the room?

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