3. A New Hope

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Yoongi drove as fast as possible not to be late to pick up Sumi. He had signed up the girl at after school care where she could stay until six o'clock. It was perfect solution for a single father who had work from nine till five pm. He and Namjoon agreed on this schedule and if Yoongi couldn't finish something during working hours, he could continue it at home.

But as every passionate attorney, Yoongi lost track of time and left work twenty minutes later. So now the alpha was rushing to his pup, worried that he would be late and Sumi would feel neglected because of him.

Thankfully, the male managed to be there on time. Okay, he might have been three minutes late, but that was fine. He asked the security where exactly was the classroom he needed and followed given directions.

Schools always tend to have pleasant scents inside. The reason was that the employees there usually were omegas and betas. It was rare for alphas to work as a teacher or school security. Moreover, parents preferred omega teachers. But the position of principal could be occupied by either alpha, beta or omega. There were no restrictions.

The principal of Sumi's school was a young alpha. He left quite good first impression on the male and Yoongi was sure, the alpha loved children considering the way he talked about them. Plus, he couldn't help but notice a family picture on the principal's desk. He was widely smiling at his mate who held a newborn pup, while four or five years old boy was beaming up at his sibling. They seemed a happy family.

The principal Kim was understanding of his situation and promised him to sign up Sumi to after school care, even though there were limited places.

So Yoongi couldn't help but feel shame that he was late to pick up his daughter the very first time. As alpha entered the classroom where Sumi was supposed to be, he heard his daughter's contagious laughter and sighed relieved.

Students' desks weren't facing the door, so Sumi didn't see her father when he entered room. Someone was crouched down next to her and gently caressed her head. It must have been her teacher. The classroom was full of omega's calming pheromones and Yoongi himself felt relaxed as the divine vanilla scent invaded his nostrils.

His daughter was too engrossed to notice him, but the omega felt alpha's presence and straightened up to greet him.

One glance at omega's face was enough to make Yoongi freeze awestruck. Even though Sumi talked about him for hours previous day, the girl did no justice to his beauty. No words would ever be enough to describe his ethereal beauty and gentleness. Yoongi was pretty sure, in front of him stood the most gorgeous omega he had ever met.

Everything about him seemed perfect. Starting with blonde fluffy hair and ending with his godly face features.

Yoongi averted gaze not to be caught, when he heard his daughter calling for him. But he was too late as his woodsy scent had already bloomed around them, giving him out. The alpha smiled at Sumi who clinged to him as usually.

The alpha failed to notice omega's slightly reddened face at the shift of his scent. Hoseok's omega was rolling in happiness that they had such effect on alpha. It was something new for them both.

"Good evening Mr. Min, I'm your daughter's class teacher Jung Hoseok. After school care is under my watch as well." He said softly, making Yoongi's heart beat like crazy that he was addressed by this marvelous omega.

That was wrong. He tried to calm down his stubborn alpha who didn't want to listen to him. His heart painfully clenched when he noticed a mating mark on omega's flawless skin. Of course an omega like him would be taken. It was stupid to think otherwise.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, teacher Jung." The alpha said politely. "My Sumi couldn't stop talking about you the whole evening, so I already feel like I know you personally."

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