33. Happy Family

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It had been nearly a week since Sumi was home last time and to say the girl missed her parents would be big underestimating. She had never spent so much time apart from her dad. At first she enjoyed staying with her uncles and Jungkookie, but with every passing day she wanted to see her dad and Hobi more.

The girl was so upset when in school teacher Jimin said that Hobi will be absent for week. Uncle Jinnie explained to her that her dad and Hobi needed some time alone, but Sumi wondered how much time exactly they needed.

She missed them both and their scents which still were on some of her clothes started fading away. Soon she'd have nothing that'd remind her of her dad and dada.

"Sumi.... Sumi, wake up, baby." On Sunday morning the girl heard Seokjin's voice and felt his gentle hand caress her sides.

She slowly opened her eyes, noticing sleeping Jungkook by her side. Previous night Sumi had climbed on his bed when she felt lonely and slept by the boy's side. Jungkook of course didn't mind, even let her take majority of bed while he laid on his side, wrapping an arm around her securely.

"Jinnie?" Sumi sat up, rubbing her sleepy eyes. Omega cooed at her, cupping her face and kissing her both cheeks.

"Your dad called and asked me to take you home."

The girl's eyes opened in instant, a joy adorning her features and Sumi jumped out of bed running to the guest room where was her bag with clothes. She messily threw all her belongings in bag, not forgetting about toothbrush, changed her pajamas and hurried out of room, dragging her quite big suitcase after her.

"Wow, look at you, so excited." Namjoon chuckled, taking girl's bag for her and lifting her up.

"Yes, I wanna go home. I miss daddy and dada. Let's go now, pleeeeeease."

"But your breakfast...." Seokjin tried to protest.

"I'll eat home. Please take me to my parents, now!" Sumi demanded in tiny, pouting in her cute manner.

"It's okay Jin. Let's go. She's too excited to think about food now." Namjoon assured his mate and placed Sumi on ground, taking her small suitcase and leading girl out. After Jin made sure she wore enough layers for the cold December weather, they left much to Sumi's relief.

Whole ride back home Sumi kept giggling and her happy pheromones filled the car. As soon as they arrived, the girl jumped out of car dashing to the lift overexcited. Thankfully, her uncles caught up on her soon and they rode the elevator all together.

Sumi ran to her apartment as the lift door opened. She kept knocking until her dad didn't open the door with a wide smile. He instantly crouched down, opening his arms for the girl.

"Dad!" Sumi threw herself on Yoongi with such force, the male fell on his back. Yet the pup kept clinging to him, not even thinking about letting him go.

She nearly teared up when inhaled Yoongi's scent perfectly mixed with Hoseok's. Home. Sumi felt that she was home.

"Dad you smell different!" Sumi kept scenting her father and noticed that now he smelled like omega more than usually. "Why do you have mark?" She exclaimed as her eyes fell in a fresh mating mark on her father's neck.

"Because your dad is now my mate, Sumi. That mark will tell everyone that he belongs only to me now." Sumi heard Hoseok's voice and shifted her attention to omega. She abandoned her dad laying on the floor and now ran to Hoseok who just as happily engulfed her in a hug.

"You and daddy are now mates?" She asked him happily, nuzzling her face in omega's neck and letting his calming pheromones envelop her. Girl's wolf finally felt contended in parents' arms. They both missed this more than anything for last week.

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