39. Real Parents

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"Oh my freaking God, what a bitch!" Jimin exclaimed, receiving a smack from Hoseok. They were in the school cafeteria and omega had just finished telling him about how Yoongi's ex appeared in his house previous day out of nowhere.

"Jimin! Are you out of your mind? We're in elementary school!"

"Hobi, this literally doesn't matter right now. I can't believe that this woman had guts to come at your house and try to snatch your family right under your nose. If I was you, I'd have thrown hands, I swear." The smaller omega said with an angry shake of his head. His brows were still burrowed as he ate his lunch. He couldn't believe that woman could be so shameless.

"For someone so small you're being too violent." Hoseok chuckled, even though deep down his omega indeed wanted to kick Aera out of his den the moment she stepped inside.

"Are you kidding me? Do you know what I'd have done if some omega showed in my house saying she's Tae's ex?"

"It's impossible Chim, you and Taehyung grew up together. You never dated anyone except of each other."

"Yes, but still..." Omega agreed with a pout. Hoseok had no doubt that Jimin was fierce little thing when it came to his mate and pups. "You know how we omegas are very territorial creatures, right? Just act on your instincts. Your alpha will love it, trust me."

"Yeah, I know." Hoseok smiled when he remembered how gently was Yoongi calming him down previous day when he growled at Aera. "She did piss me off, but as long as she doesn't disturb us..."

"You really think she'll stop now?" Jimin asked him with raised brow. He put aside chopsticks, to explain it better to his naive friend how the world worked. "She just checked the situation yesterday. Since you barely did anything against her, she might think that you're weak omega and she can easily take away Yoongi and Sumi."

"Hey, I'm not weak! I'd like to see her try!" Hoseok exclaimed upset. "Besides, Yoongi promised to take care of it. He won't let her back in his and Sumi's lives."

"Trusting your mate is great, really. But sometimes you also have to fight for what's yours."

Not that Jimin wanted his best friend to get into fights, but he just knew how cunning were some omegas. He was married to handsome and rich alpha. It wasn't the easiest job to keep all omegas away from Taehyung. So many were flirting with him and some had guts to do it in front of Jimin! The smaller omega would then grab his mate's neck, bringing him in a passionate kiss and show all those bitches who this alpha belonged to. He loved how their faces became bright red from anger.

Some omegas were stupid enough to insult Jimin in front of Taehyung, trying to belittle him in alpha's eyes. But little did they know, that Taehyung would never allow anyone say something bad about his mate. Jimin's omega shuddered in pleasure whenever Taehyung protected him with his teeth and showed those worthless omegas their place. God, Jimin was so lucky with such great alpha.

"Jeez, you're so whipped for your mate." Hoseok snorted when his friend drifted in dreamland.

"As if you're better." Jimin huffed, resuming eating. "By the way, you never told me how is he doing in... it, you know." The younger wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

Hoseok blushed crimson red, barely biting back a smile. He got tingles running down his spine as he remembered how good was his mate in pleasuring him. The way his long, thick cock filled him to the brim, let alone his knot that stretched him so pleasantly. Hoseok didn't know someone's knot can make you feel this good until Yoongi knotted him. He was fucking in love with it.

"I knew it." Jimin said with knowing smirk when his friend fell silent. "I knew that Yoongi would be really good in bed. He just radiated this big-dick energy you know?"

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