17. Moving On

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Hoseok nervously fiddled with his fingers as he sat inside Yoongi's car. They were heading back to his old apartment where omega had spent last seven years of his life.

It had been couple of weeks since the male had faced his ex-husband. Funny, how omega already called him ex in his head. His wolf wasn't taking it well especially in the beginning. They craved to be close to their mate but Hoseok reminded himself every time what Daehyun made him go through and surprisingly it subsidized the pain. As long as it was bearable, he didn't care.

The mere thought of returning to that alpha made him dizzy. And not in a good way, unlike dizziness that another particular alpha made him feel when he hugged him to comfort his omega or when their hands accidentally brushed when Yoongi handed him some documents....

Maybe when Hoseok felt hopeless as he laid at nights in the bed, his thoughts went to this raven alpha with cat-like black eyes and the cutest gummy smile ever. Omega couldn't help but bask in the sense of security that this alpha made him feel. Even in his own house Hoseok never felt protected. On contrary, he lived in fear that something bad would happen to him once he stepped inside.

But since that night Yoongi sheltered him when Daehyun practically kicked him out, Hoseok felt that outside his damned apartment was a whole world. Beautiful one at that and waiting for him to leave his demons behind and start enjoying the life.

"There is nothing to be nervous about, Hoseok. I won't let him touch a hair on your head." Yoongi said assuringly, without tearing gaze away from the road. How could he sense omega's inner turmoil every time? As if Hoseok was open book that he could read without any efforts.

"Thank you." He told the male softly. "Not just for today, but for everything. I don't think I'd ever have courage to stand against Daehyun on my own. So it means lot to me. I'll make sure to repay you for everything you've done for me Yoongi."

"Don't worry about that. I'm doing this because I can't stand violence and disrespect of omegas just because of their subgender. I just want to see you happy. That's it."

Is it possible for someone to melt from words? If yes, that's exactly how Hoseok felt at alpha's words. His omega melted into a puddle, beaming at Yoongi all flustered. The male even inched further into his seat, trying hard to hide his wide grin.

"You didn't have to accompany me to get my things..." He mumbled incoherently. "I didn't want to bother you."

The car stopped at red light and Yoongi finally glanced at gorgeous omega. No seriously, his beauty never failed to amaze alpha. His soft blonde locks always fell so prettily on male's forehead. His hazel brown eyes shone with so much warmth and kindness, Yoongi just wanted to drown in his gaze. Not to mention Hoseok's heart-shaped rose pink lips. He sometimes wondered how soft would be omega's lips against his. Then alpha would usually scold himself for perverted thoughts and shrug it off.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you aren't a bother, so that you believe me?" Omega shyly ducked his head.

Precious. Yoongi's alpha already had a soft place for this omega.

Hoseok wasn't the one who asked Yoongi to go with him while he'd visit his old apartment to get his stuff. The alpha found out about it accidentally and insisted on coming. Like hell he'd let omega be even a second alone with that asshole.

As they stepped inside building, Yoongi could clearly feel Hoseok's anxiety. The omega still wasn't ready to face his ex-mate, but he couldn't run away from him forever. He just had to get over with it.

"Don't worry, I'll be there all the time." Yoongi placed hand low on his back and made sure that he was okay before knocking at his neighbor's door. He hadn't mentioned it to Hoseok, but ever since he moved out, Daehyun often brought home different omegas. Yoongi was disgusted by simply looking at him. Poor excuse of alpha.

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