36. War is Over

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Sumi was discharged next morning. Doctor confirmed one more time that she was okay and just needed to rest for a while from school. Since it was the end of semester, it wasn't really big problem.

As soon as Yoongi's parents heard about Sumi being in hospital, they both arrived by the evening, crashing at their son's place. Hoseok's heart nearly jumped out of ribcage when he saw unexpected guests. It was his first time meeting his mate's family. And he was nervous as hell.

What would they think about him? No one would want for their son an omega which had already been mated previously. Would they hate Hoseok after finding out that his ex was the one who hurt their granddaughter?

Thankfully, none of Hoseok's fears were justified. Yoongi's parents were already aware that their son had finally mated and they both couldn't wait to meet their son-in-law. Since it was Christmas soon, they had brought plenty of presents especially for omega and Sumi.

Yoongi's eomma let out joyful cry when saw Hoseok for the first time. She passed her son, without paying much mind to him and embraced Hoseok in a tight hug, kissing his both cheeks.

"Thanks God, it's true!" She exclaimed, pinching his adorable pinkish cheeks. "Omo, look at that pretty mating mark. I can now rest in piece, darling. Our boy had finally found a mate." She then cupped Hoseok's blushing face. "The prettiest one to that. Wow, Yoongi how did you make such angel even look in your direction?"

"Very finny, mom." Yoongi mumbled unamused, taking their suitcases from his dad and guiding him inside.

Mr. Min also gushed over Hoseok, bringing him in a tight hug once his wife was done. "Welcome to family, son."

Omega thought he'd burst into tears from such kind words. He had never felt accepted be it in his own family or with his mate. Even simple words or gestures felt like heaven to him. His omega was beaming at his mate's parents happy that they accepted him so easily.

"Where is my granddaughter?" Mrs. Min then asked Yoongi who pointed at girl's bedroom. "I'm not leaving this city until I make sure that she is completely okay."

"We don't even know what happened, son." Yoongi's father told him. The alpha nodded sadly, going over to his mate whose scent instantly soured at the reminder.

"We'll tell you everything later. Let's check up on Sumi now, okay?"

The girl squealed when saw her grandma and grandpa. Sumi was busy reading a new fairytale book when Mrs. Min opened the door surprising her. It was a touching reunion. Hoseok's heart warmed at his pup's interaction with Yoongi's parents. Their bond wasn't surprising considering that Mrs. Min helped raising Sumi while her son was busy working.

Five of them spent quality time together. Hoseok got to know so much about his mate's parents and vice versa. Mrs. Min completely fell for Hoseok's charms and treated male as her second son. In short amount of time they bonded like actual parent and child and Hoseok couldn't be happier.

Yoongi's parents were so sincere towards omega. They didn't judge him even for second, didn't blame him for anything. When they found out about what Daehyun had done, they cursed alpha for causing so much pain to innocent souls like Hoseok, Eunji and even Sumi.

Yoongi's mom demanded her son to make sure that bastard wouldn't be coming out of prison for a very long time. Yoongi was obviously already working on it. Namjoon agreed to represent them in a court in heartbeat. Two alphas would take care of that poor excuse of a man.

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