8. Attachment

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Much to Hoseok's disappointment, he didn't meet Sumi and Yoongi next morning in the hallway as he got used to it. He instantly felt his heart sink. The omega inside him sulked but he had to make his way towards the school.

Last night was the worst for quite while. Hoseok couldn't rest even for couple of minutes, his head constantly occupied by crying Sumi. The omega thrashed inside him, not letting him sleep at all. He just wanted to bring Sumi in a bone-crushing hug and never let her go. He wholeheartedly wished to be close to the girl. But instead, he just struggled all alone throughout that long night.

"You look like shit" were the first words omega heard when he stepped inside the faculty room.

"Good morning to you too, Jimin." He greeted his friend and occupied his desk. Hoseok rested head on the wooden table and sighed.

"What is it, Hobi?" Jimin softly asked as he approached omega and ran hand through his golden hair. "You look so tired, bub. What happened?"

Hoseok lifted head and looked up at him with pouty lips. He looked so innocent and cute at that moment, Jimin involuntarily smiled. "What is bothering you, hun?"

"I did something right but stupid at the same time." Hoseok admitted and briefly told the omega what happened previous day. As expected, Jimin attentively listened to him and hugged his friend afterwards. The way this incident affected Hoseok was so obvious. He was composed as usual, but every time he mentioned Sumi, his voice cracked a bit.

Jimin saw it clear as day. Hoseok's omega was getting too attached to this pup and it wouldn't end good for the male. But how was Jimin supposed to tell this to someone, who found happiness only in interactions with this little girl?

"You know that you did what you had to. It's all gonna be okay. Just don't be too upset about it, alright? She's a smart girl, she'll understand it sooner or later."

"I just didn't want to be reason of her disappointment. It hurt me so much when I saw pain in her precious eyes."

"I understand. I feel the same whenever I see my pup crying. It's heart-breaking for us omegas."

Hoseok nodded in agreement. He hadn't experienced such feeling ever since... ever since he lost his daughter. His heart used to ache like this only for her. She was the only pup to have such effect on him.

"I'll go. I have a lesson in five."

Jimin watched his best friend disappear behind the door. He was worried for him but had no idea how to tell Hoseok about that. He was sure omega himself knew that what he felt for Sumi was much deeper than he wanted to, but there was nothing he could do about it. The human side sometimes couldn't control the way wolf felt. Hoseok's omega was already vulnerable after death of his pup. Nothing could hurt and break an omega like loss of their child. Thankfully, Jimin had never experienced it himself and he prayed for his children safety everyday, but he could guess what it felt like.

The omega once tried to close his eyes and imagine that his baby boy wasn't with him anymore. His soul hurt at the mere thought of not being able to hold, touch and kiss his pup anymore. So his heart was torn when he comforted his friend after the loss of his daughter. Not every omega would be strong enough to survive it. Hoseok nearly didn't make it as grief consumed his whole being. If it wasn't for Jimin's constant support, Hoseok might have been dead by now.

At least his mate did nothing to ease omega's life. Instead of being his emotional support as a mate should be, Daehyun reminded him every day how he failed his own pup and couldn't protect her. When Jimin heard it with his own ears he pounced at the alpha for being such asshole with his own mate. Thankfully, Taehyung was also there so drag him away from the alpha and then protect him when Daehyun tried to pay omega back for sudden attack.

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