44. Until We Meet Again

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Two months later, Hoseok's baby bump was already showing and he took a liking in wearing oversized shirts. Since Min Yoongi was one possessive alpha, he bought plenty of large hoodies, rubbing his own scent all over them and only after that letting his mate wear them. He just loved when Hoseok was covered in his scent from head to toe. He scented omega every morning before work and did the same to his needy daughter, who hated being left out.

Hoseok realized from his own experience that both Jimin and Jin were right about hmmm... being hornier during pregnancy. His omega emitted too much alluring pheromones whenever they were alone with Yoongi. Alpha of course wasn't one to complain, he first would eat him out like a starving man and then would massage his insides with his cock. Hoseok especially liked the process of knotting. He loved falling asleep with his mate's fat knot snuggled inside him so pleasantly.

They lived their best-mated life. Spring had never been so beautiful before in omega's eyes. He enjoyed every single moment. The streets were breathtaking in April. The wind carried cherry blossom petals and aromas through the whole city, lifting everyone's mood. At least Hoseok's for sure.

Omega really felt like they started living from a fresh page. His current life was what his younger self had ever dreamt of. But even despite everything Hoseok had now, there was one thing that brought him sadness. One thing that bothered him at nights and disrupted omega's sleep.

Thoughts about Eunji didn't let omega to rest. He felt guilty for enjoying his life when his baby girl couldn't. He dearly missed her and now, carrying his second pup, Hoseok couldn't stop thinking about her.

That's why one day he took his family to meet her. He wanted to do it. He should have done it a long time ago.

Yoongi tried to keep his scent neutral and calm in order to be there for his omega any second. He already felt Hoseok's distressed pheromones in the car, but unfortunately, he was unable to take away the greatest pain any parent could experience.

Sumi also kept quiet all the time, glancing between her silent parents. She knew where they were heading and felt a bit nervous. Her dad had explained to her that if some accident hadn't happened long ago, Sumi would already have a sister. The girl felt so bad when she found out about Eunji. She wanted her to be with them so much. But her dad said she was gone forever.

Sumi was a smart child. She knew what death was. And she loathed it for taking away her sister even before she had an opportunity to meet her.

"She's right there." Hoseok said, going over to a small delicate gravestone. It was located not far from the entrance of the cemetery.

Hwang Eunji
Beloved daughter

Hoseok kneeled in front of the stone, planting a kiss on it. His face was already dampened from the silent tears he had shed while he was approaching his daughter's grave.

"Hey, how are you, my love?" He asked his baby softly. "Your dada missed you so much. I still do. Everyday..."

The omega howled in his head from the sorrow. None of them would ever get over this loss. Their firstborn pup, their heart, and soul, their biggest treasure.

"I'm so sorry, my lovely girl." Hoseok said with a shaky voice, still on the ground as close to his daughter as possible. "For years it had been just two of us. I swear I tried my best for you, my lovely baby. Please, please be okay wherever you are. Your dada will always love you. I will always remember and carry you in my heart. You didn't deserve a father like Hwang Daehyun. I'm so sorry that I couldn't protect you. I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you..."

Yoongi tried to hold back and be strong, but he lost it when saw his mate's distressed state. Hoseok's omega was hurting and it hurt Yoongi equally through their bond. His alpha was restless inside the man, watching their mate in so much pain.

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