28. Dada's Pup

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Sumi was a smart kid. She knew that something was going on between her dad and teacher Hobi. She wasn't sure what exactly but considering how often she saw omega off school, probably something good was about to happen.

She knew that her dad loved Hobi just like she did. He was the most beautiful and kind omega the little girl had ever met and she instantly fell for his charms. Let alone his scent... Don't get Sumi started on his scent. It was the warmest and the most pleasant smell ever to exist.

She was too shy to ask the omega to scent her after that day. But recently she had noticed that her dad sometimes scented Hobi. And when she once returned home after the walk with Jungkookie and uncle Jinnie, her dad was soaked in omega's scent. It upset her a bit that her dad was allowed to be scented by omega and she wasn't. But all she could do was patiently wait until one day something good would happen to her too.

Sumi wasn't jealous of seeing her dad developing bond with omega. When they were together, it seemed so.... wholesome. Her heart flutter at those times for unknown reason. Her family felt whole when Hoseok was with them. Sumi loved every bit of it.

However, at that one particular day Sumi's mood was far from good. One of her classmates, Soo-ah, whose parents were famous people (even though Sumi didn't know them) came to school dressed in a beautiful pink dress and with tiara on her head! It was her birthday and turned out her mom had asked permission to let her wear something besides their uniform.

Girl's mom also stopped by and brought them a big cake to celebrate. Everything was good until Soo-ah started playing a stupid game where she was giving pretty princess tiaras to her friends. Sumi wanted to get one so badly. She so eagerly participated in answering all questions, but Soo-ah never chose her. Always skipped on her, choosing someone else. And what was even worse, she still gave tiaras to girls who answered wrong!

Sumi felt like crying when Soo-ah placed the last tiara on another girl's head. Why couldn't she get at least anything that she wanted? It was so unfair. She knew all the answers, yet no one chose her. No matter how much she tried...

She did her best to make friends at new school, but she barely had anyone to call her best friend. When she tried to join conversation of other girls in class, they usually stopped talking when saw her. Sumi once asked why they did it, and Soo-ah said that her mom forbid her talking to Sumi.

"Pups who grow up only with alphas are unmannered rogues..."

Sumi didn't even know what that meant but it hurt her. Her classmates disliked her only because she didn't have mom or dada like them. It wasn't her fault. She didn't chose to grow up without her mom, but no one understood it.

However, now her life was a little bit better. Hoseok made her so so so happy. And he never refused the girl in anything. Sumi liked it when omega spoiled her. She felt loved.

"Sorry, Sumi maybe next time you'll be lucky." Soo-ah told her as the bell rang dismissing everyone to go home. Everyone except of Sumi of course. She still had to stay until her dad would finish work.

"I don't need your stupid tiaras." The girl lied stubbornly. Like hell she'd admit how her classmate hurt her. "I have better at home." Sumi kept lying. She did have some toys, but not princess tiara. She'd love to have one so much though!

"Yeah, right..." Soo-ah said skeptically, openly showing that she didn't believe her. "Anyway, I've invited some friends to celebrate my birthday. We're going to this really amazing theme park. There will be lots of candies and another cake and so much fun! My daddy made me this present! He said his princess deserves only the best." She said proudly, flipping back her hair.

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