27. Alpha's Assistance

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Hoseok exited his doctor's office couple of minutes earlier and he was on his way back home. He just went through usual monthly check up and his doctor verified that he'd soon go into heat. To be honest, omega had completely forgotten about it. For last few months so much had happened that everything else became of secondary importance.

However, now with Daehyun finally in the past, Hoseok had to take care of his heat. The last few times he went into needing he was on suppressants. It was unheard of mated wolves to spend their rut or heat away from mate, but that was how it worked in their household.

Daehyun hadn't touched omega ever since Eunji died. He told him to take pills and always slept on couch while Hoseok's body was on fire, demanding an alpha's presence. Thankfully, only first two days were agonizing. Third day was much better. Omega could stand up and even make himself food, because Daehyun never cared much to at least feed him during the heat.

"When exactly is it gonna happen?" Jimin asked him over the phone. He had dialed his friend's number while he stood on bus station.

"She said no earlier than next two weeks."

"Omg, two more weeks and you'll finally get that d-"

"Please, don't finish that sentence."

"Anyway, the point is that you'll finally have no more excuses to not do it, Hobi!"

"I don't know... Maybe I should spend this heat on pills as well? I'm not sure. What if it's too soon? I don't want to ruin anything or-"

"God, stop being like this, Hobi. Don't overthink!" Hoseok could nearly feel the male's frustration over the phone. He knew how Jimin disliked when he went into these thoughts too deep. But overthinking was like a curse. He couldn't get rid of it so easily.

"It's simple as it is. You love him, he loves you. You want to get mated. Your needing hits, you guys have the most mind-blowing sex and at the end of it, dadum! You're mated to Yoongi!"

"For you everything is so easy, Minnie." Hoseok sighed. He wished his brain worked similar to Jimin's. Maybe he'd have less worries.

"Because I don't want to complicate life further. You think I'd have been where I am if I haven't followed my instincts?"

"You're really lucky one, Jimin."

"So are you. Just do what you think is right for you okay? If you aren't ready, then don't tell Yoongi anything. But if you really want it and the only thing holding you back is your 'what ifs', I'll seriously kick your ass. Even though I love you."

"Love you too, Jimin. My bus is here. I'll be home late, don't wait for me, okay?"

"Wait, where are you-"

"I'll tell you everything once I get home. Bye!"

Hoseok hurried to a bus. Not one which would take him to Jimin, but completely different one.

Since divorce, Hoseok often passed the door of apartment that was his home for many years. Thankfully, he hadn't met Daehyun so far and it made him happy. He really didn't want to face that alpha ever again. But omega wasn't sure how long he'd be that lucky.

He reached Yoongi's apartment in an hour and threw himself at male as soon as he opened the door. Yoongi caught him effortlessly, wrapping both arms around his tiny waist. He closed the door shut with his leg while carried Hoseok inside.

"How is my baby doing today?" He asked the male gently, kissing his forehead as he sat on their huge sofa with omega on his lap.

"Good." Hoseok replied without letting alpha go. His nose brushed over the male's scent gland taking in his marvelous foresty scent. "I've missed you."

"Me too." Alpha rubbed his back while Hoseok was busy scenting him.

"Where is Sumi?" Omega asked after he finished rubbing his own scent on the alpha and mixing their smells.

"Jungkook took her out earlier. She's with him and Jin."

"Oooh." Hoseok nodded straightening up and looking down at his alpha. Yoongi was so handsome. Especially up close. He had soft features despite being an alpha and smooth flawless skin. Hoseok traced his jawline with a finger.

"I'm happy that you stopped by. I badly wanted to see you." Yoongi noticed that more time he spent away from Hoseok worse his wolf felt. He had already accepted the male as his mate and staying away from him only worsened it. He wanted to have Hoseok by his side nearly all the time. Little did he know that the omega felt exactly same.

"I have to tell you something." Hoseok said with worry filling his voice. Yoongi instantly perked up, listening to him carefully.

"What is it, baby?"

"You can say no, if you want to of course. I'm not trying to force you or something... Just listen me out first, okay?" He continued only after the alpha nodded. "So, my doctor confirmed today that my heat will start soon. In two weeks approximately. And I thought that it would be good idea if we, uhm... If you want to of course... I thought maybe you would like to assist me during my needing?"

He fiddled with his fingers all the time, avoiding alpha's eyes.

"Do you want it?" Yoongi asked him gently, lifting his head up to meet omega's shy gaze.


"I'm asking you, Hobi. Is that what you want? If yes, then I'd be more than happy to assist you in your needing, but if you aren't 100 percent sure, then we'll wait. We'll find a way to make you go through this heat as painless as possible."

Hoseok really didn't think he could be any more smitten by Yoongi, but alpha never missed a chance to surprise him. The way Yoongi always put Hoseok ahead of himself made omega only fall for this alpha deeper and deeper.

"I want it. I mean it, Yoongi. I'm ready." He said confidently, without ounce of doubt. He didn't want to live with fear of future and just hold himself back until he'd change his mind about it. Hoseok wanted to live in the present without shadow of past hanging over his head or fears of future lurking in his mind.

He wanted to live freely and in his pleasure. He wanted to mate Min Yoongi and finally experience family happiness that he had only observed from afar.

"Will you mate me, Yoonie?" He asked the male with soft smile. His omega was in complete unison with him. They both wanted this more than anything. His gut was telling him this was the right decision. He would never regret it.

"I'd love to mate you, Hoba. That would make me the happiest alpha ever."

"I love you so much." The younger of two threw himself on alpha once again. He didn't remember last time he felt this happy. "I know this is huge step, but..."

"I'll spend rest of my life proving to you that taking this risk was worth it." Yoongi promised with intention to keep his word at all costs.

His alpha was so proud that Hoseok trusted them so much that he even let them take care of him in heat. It all meant world to Yoongi's wolf who always felt like he wasn't enough. He was going to prove it to everyone, starting from Hoseok, that he'd make the best mate ever.

"I love you too, my omega."

Hoseok nuzzled into his neck with contended purr, his legs and hands wrapped around Yoongi. He wasn't letting this alpha go anywhere. He belonged only to him now. And that was final!


A/N: I know what you're all looking for guys...🤭

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