11. Desperation

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The next day was Saturday and Yoongi asked Najoon and Jin to babysit Sumi if they didn't mind. Kims were more than happy to have girl all to themselves, while her father wanted to figure out how to help and protect one particular omega.

The alpha was on his way to grocery when he stumbled upon the male who dominated all his thoughts. The elevator door was about to close when Yoongi heard someone yelling to stop it. He instantly recognized owner of the voice and held the elevator door for him.

"Thank you!" Hoseok's lips formed 'o' when he saw familiar alpha. "Good morning, Yoongi." He bowed to the male who did same.

Alpha's eyes were glued on him, studying his face for any new bruises. Then his eyes travelled down the omega's delicate neck and his heart clenched one more time at black marks that were peeking from his turtleneck. He quickly looked away until his alpha took over again.

"How did you sleep?"

"Hmm, well."

Yoongi sighed. "I was so worried. I didn't want you to spend night at the place where you are in danger. My wolf didn't let me rest last night. We were scared that something similar would happen to you again..."

Hoseok averted his gaze down. Yoongi's scent indeed gave away how distressed he was. Did the alpha really care about him that much? Why would he?

"I'm completely fine. You don't have to worry about me." He said gently, leaving the elevator first. Yoongi was following right behind.

"I can't help it. How can I sleep peacefully, knowing something bad might be happening to you right under my nose and I won't be able to stop it?"

"Nothing is going to happen to me, okay? Daehyun is my m-mate." Hoseok didn't know why his omega always hesitated when they had to call alpha their mate. It seemed like he'd hurt his omega so much that he couldn't even pronounce the word out loud. Did he secretly hate that Daehyung was their mate? Hoseok was sure his omega did. But both of them were too scared to admit it. "Please, don't worry about my safety that much. It's my home. Where else am I supposed to be?"

Yoongi could count places where omega would be safer the whole day. Literally anywhere where his mate wasn't was the best option.

"I meant what I said yesterday." He said, grabbing omega's forearm and making him stop. Hoseok's lips parted and he slightly frowned as he waited for explanation. "I'm not closing my eyes on this." Yoongi lifted hand to male's covered neck, gently brushing finger tips over the material of white turtleneck.

Hoseok got butterflies and he felt his omega melting into puddle at alpha's tenderness.

Stupid omega, don't you know that only your mate can make you feel like this? Hoseok scolded himself and took a step back.

"Everything is fine, really. I don't want to talk about it anymore."

Yoongi wasn't ready to let it go, but if omega was uncomfortable discussing it with him, he wouldn't force him.

"Do you have any plans today teacher?" He changed the topic swiftly.

"Not really." Hoseok usually spent weekend at home doing some work, but that time he couldn't bring himself to spend whole day with his alpha in a closed space. So he said that he would visit Jimin and left. Not that Daehyun actually cared or something. He only asked when he would be back.

"Then, let's have a breakfast. I wanted to talk to you about Sumi."

"What about her? Is she alright?" Omega instantly asked alarmed.

"Let me tell you about it over the cup of coffee."

They ended up in one of local cafés which served the best desserts around. Hoseok hadn't touched his food as he looked at alpha with demanding stare, urging him to finally say what happened to Sumi.

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