41. Possessive Mate (M)

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Hoseok's wolf felt restless as they waited for their mate to return home from work. He knew that alpha was going to meet Aera and to say he was nervous, would be a huge underestimating. Hoseok couldn't keep still.

Whatever he did his thoughts always returned to Yoongi and Aera who were all alone in Yoongi's office talking and talking God knows about what...

The fact that Yoongi's rut was going to start in a day or two didn't help. What if Aera managed to seduce the alpha in pre-rut? What if her sweet pheromones dazzled Yoongi and he gave in temptation?

The insecurity to be cheated on again wouldn't leave omega. He knew how amazing alpha was Yoongi and he once was in love with Sumi's mom. What if old feelings flooded his mind and Yoongi...

"I can literally hear all your thoughts from here." Jin told the omega who was sitting quietly with a warm cup in his hands next to the counter.

Hoseok guiltily smiled, pouring some tea for his friend as well and handing it to him. Jin wobbled towards the kitchen counter, taking a seat and sipping the warm beverage.

"I finished packing Sumi's bag. Jungkook is helping her to get dressed now."

They were taking Sumi to their place during Yoongi's rut. No one was sure when exactly it would hit, but it was left not too long. Doctor said a day or two max.

"Thank you. I'm not much help right now." Hoseok said with a sigh, rubbing his face with both hands.

"Why are you stressing yourself so much, Hobi?" Jins asked worriedly. "Not like Yoongi will abandon you for Aera."

Omega threw a terrified look at Jin, making the older shake his head.

"He loves you. He's head over heels for you. He has mated you and no other omega. I know Yoongi very well and trust me, you're his only one. He had never looked at anyone the way he looks at you. Like you're his whole world. There's no way something will happen between him and Aera. Don't let their past eat you alive."

"I just can't help it, Jin. Have you seen her? She's so gorgeous! I'm not surprised Yoongi fell for her in the first place-"

"Excuse me, but have you seen yourself? I seriously need to give you a fucking huge mirror so you can look in it and see how breathtakingly beautiful you are." Jin exclaimed not even joking about it. Hoseok chuckled at his friend, lowering his head. "I meant it, Hoseokie. That alpha is not going anywhere. I know you have trust issues after your asshole ex-husband, but Yoongi is completely different person. He'd never cheat. Don't even entertain that thought in a cute head of yours, okay?"

Hoseok's lips twitched in a gentle smile and he nodded. "Okay, I know I can trust my alpha. I just want him to come home sooner. And I want Aera gone from our lives. She makes my omega really uncomfortable and anxious." 

"Oh, trust me, she better stay away from you guys, or I'm coming after her. How did she even dare to disappear for seven years and then come back like it's all good? God, she's such a shameless bitch! She should better avoid me, or I'll seriously throw hands."

Hoseok laughed as he imagined pregnant Seokjin fighting Aera. That would be a sight to see.

"Why is everyone ready to throw hands at her?"

"Because she deserves it, bub. You hadn't seen how broken was poor Yoongi when she left with a shitty apology. Ugh! I don't even wanna talk about the past. He finally found an angel like you and everything is good now. That little bitch can go and search for her happiness somewhere else."

"Dad, we're ready." Jungkook came downstairs hand in hand with Sumi. The boy carried little girl's bag as well.

"Aw, my sweethearts." Jin cooed at them, ruffling Sumi's hair. "Let's get going, then. Sumi say goodbye to your dada."

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